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Your help is greatly appreciated!

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Presentation on theme: "Your help is greatly appreciated!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your help is greatly appreciated!
Donations Needed!! From 5th Grade Parents The 5th Grade Fun Day Committee is requesting individually packaged snack donations to raise money for our planned celebration. We plan on selling these snacks during lunch periods on Tuesdays during the months of March and April for all grades. Below is the approved list of snacks that can be sold. NO SUBSTITIONS! Please send/drop-off snacks to office with your child’s name on it. If you prefer to send in a monetary donation we will gladly make the purchase for you! Please send your donation an envelope marked 5GFD snack donation . Your help is greatly appreciated! Goldfish Frito Lay VarietyPack(Lay’s Cheez-its Doritos,Cheetos, etc) Veggie Straws Sun Chips Skinny Pop popcorn Pirate Booty Linden’s CC cookies Any questions please contact Angel Mullen @ or


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