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Review! What have we learned so far?

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Presentation on theme: "Review! What have we learned so far?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review! What have we learned so far?
Here are some questions: What triggered the Great Migration? What impact did the Great Migration have in British North America? What did the REFORMERS want? Who had the power in British North America? Who would have the power in a democracy? Why did the Rebellions of 1837 & 1838 happen? Review! What have we learned so far?

2 Review Continued… Who was the leader of the Parti Partiote? Who were the Chateau Clique/Family Compact? Where did Papineau and Mackenzie flee to? What were they granted? Who won the Rebellions? What was Britain’s response to the Rebellions? Who was Lord Durham, and what were his 3 recommendations? What was the Act of Union based upon?

3 Who was Lafontaine and Baldwin. What did they form
Who was Lafontaine and Baldwin? What did they form? Who was in Canada East? Who was in Canada West? What does the hierarchy of government look like after the Act of Union compared to colonial government? Questions?..... GET READY TO LEARN ABOUT CONFEDERATION! Review Continued…


5 Outcomes 7.1.6 – To What extent was Confederation an attempt to provide the populations of Quebec and Ontario with increased control over their own affairs? 7.1.6 – To what extent was Confederation an attempt to strengthen the Maritime colonies? 7.2.5 – What factors led to British Columbia’s joining Confederation? 7.2.5 – What factors Prince Edward Island’s joining Confederation?

6 Focus Questions for you!
What issues shaped confederation? What ideas about citizenship shaped Confederation? What factors led to other provinces joining Confederation?

7 Keywords Political Deadlock: the inability to decide on a course of action because of disagreement among equally powerful decision makers Guarantee: a promise with legal binding Secure: to get, to make sure of Constitution: the official set of rules about how a country is governed Annexation: takeover of a territory by another country

8 Keywords cont… Mercantilism: a regulated economic system that made a country rich from its colonies Tariff: an extra charge Jeopardize: to threaten Public School: a school whose funds come from ‘public money’ (taxes paid to a government) Great Depression: the global economic slowdown that occurred between 1929 and 1939 World War II: a global war that took place between 1939 and 1945

9 First of all….. What WAS Confederation?
Confederation was an agreement among some of the colonies of British North America to join together. It established rules about Canadian society. Equality in Canada for French and English Languages Central Government with provincial governments EXCLUDED First Nations as citizens of Canada…(Today First Nations continually work to change the idea of citizenship that first shaped Canada – you will learn allllll about this in Grade 9!)

10 A little bit of Background Information for you….
There were 6 British Colonies that considered Confederation in the 1860’s. The 6 were: Canada West Canada East Nova Scotia New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Newfoundland A little bit of Background Information for you….

11 Before we go on… What qualities do YOU think a Good Prime Minister would have?

12 John A MacDonald From Canada West Was on of the volunteers who attacked and defeated Mackenzie’s rebels in 1837 He was a lawyer He wanted to create a nation that stretched from ‘sea to sea’ and maintain ties with Britain Believed in accommodating people to achieve agreement… gave provincial governments control over some of their own affairs (for example, education) He was… dun dun dunnnn… CANADA’S FIRST PRIME MINISTER!

13 George Etienne Cartier
From Canada East From wealthy family in Lower Canada/ fought with the patriots Didn’t want Canada to become a republic like the US Wanted provinces to control issues like language and religion ( Catholic church played an important role in politics of Canada East)

14 George Brown From Canada East Founded today’s Globe and Mail newspaper Didn’t support confederation at first Wanted representation by population… this would have given the English more power. Harshly criticized John A MacDonald 1864 he changed his mind and wanted the British colonies to control Rupert’s Land. He was afraid if they didn’t it would be taken over by the US Got shot in the leg and died (infection)

15 Etienne Paschal Tache Was a Patriote in the rebellions of Believed Canadians could safe guard their heritage as a province of Canada Believed that the leaders of Canada East and West had to cooperate Worked well with John A MacDonald

16 Key Confederation Issues

17 Political Deadlock Canada East and Canada West had an equal number of seats in the province’s assembly… Why would this be a problem? (Hint…think of the populations of Canada East and Canada West)

18 Questions of Rights for Canadiens
Canadiens had protected their language and religion despite the Act of Union that tried to assimilate them. They needed a guaranteed that any new political arrangement would recognize and respect their rights. Some Canadien leaders saw Confederation as the only option to protect their rights. Others felt Confederation would be a threat and the Federal Government would have too much power

19 Independence for Regions
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island were British colonies but they governed themselves. They worried they would lose their independence if they were governed by Canada East and Canada West Also thought it might be too expensive…

20 Risk of Annexation from the USA
Worried the Americans would expand!

21 Western Expansion In the 1860’s, Canada West had developed most of the good farmland. George Brown wanted to expand into Rupert’s land but worried the Americans would do so as well.

22 Britain had regulated the economy of British North America
Britain had regulated the economy of British North America. Mercantilism meant that British paid as low a price as possible for resources from the colonies but it also meant that the colonies could sell to Britain. 1840’s Britain took steps to end Mercantilism. They would only buy from the colonies if it was the cheapest price. British North America had an agreement with the US that they could sell their goods to the US for a competitive price, but in 1865 the US added a tariff (tax) to goods bought from British North America… which would make BNA’s goods higher priced in the US. Trade Challenges

23 The Confederation Deal
The colonies involved in the Confederation negotiations wanted to protect regional rights. They did not want a central government that took away the power of each region to make important decisions on its own

24 British North America Act of 1867 (BNA Act)
Created the Dominion of Canada formed from the former colonies of Canada which included Canada East, Canada West, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland did not join. BNA Act gave the federal government the right to make laws for the peace, order and good government The act established French and English as the languages of Canada’ s Parliament Guaranteed public schools for the Protestant/English in Quebec and French/ Catholic Schools in the rest of Canada Gave the government the right to protect minorities in any province in the future Established representation by population for the House of Commons New government would pay for a railway linking the Maritimes with central Canada

25 The Maritimes had issues….
The Maritimes had strong economic ties with Britain and the Caribbean based on trade by sea. If the Maritimes joined, Canada promised them a railway linking them to Central Canada. It was not a popular decision to join Confederation

26 What about the First Nations?
During the Confederation negotiations, the colonies of British North America did not consult any First Nations The idea of citizenship was different then. Examples include: 1857 Gradual Civilization Act: required that First Nations give up their ways before they could become citizens of Canada 1867 British North America Act: First Nations become a part of the federal government’s responsibilities. Until 1960: Only those who gave up their Indian Status were allowed to vote

27 When did the OTHER Provinces join Confederation?
1867 Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Part of the original Confederation agreement 1870 Manitoba Refused to be transferred as a territory, demanded to join as a province 1871 British Columbia Joined as Province 1873 Prince Edward Island Joined as a province 1905 Alberta and Saskatchewan created from a territory and transferred to Canada 1949 Newfoundland Joined as a province When did the OTHER Provinces join Confederation?

28 Some info on British Columbia…
BC was a British colony because of the British Explorer George Vancouver First colonist made their living with the fur trade 1857 the gold rush began. It was an economic boom and the colony borrowed money to pay for roads etc. The boom didn’t last long and then the colony went into debt. There didn’t seem to be a big future. Some colonists wanted to join the USA. Some wanted to join Canada. The Canadian government wanted the country to stretch from “sea to sea” so the offered to pay off BC’s debt and build a railway to link them to the rest of Canada Joined as a province in 1871 Some info on British Columbia…

29 What about PEI? 1870, the colony of Prince Edward Island began to have economic trouble. ( Borrowed money for a railway and many farms did not own the land…it was owned by those in Britain) Felt that joining Confederation would help solve it’s problems Canada agreed to pay off the colony’s railway and by the island’s farmland as well as provide year round ferry service. (joined in 1873)

30 Newfoundland reject Confederation in 1867 and 1869 Had a successful economy in fish and lumber 1930’s during the Great Depression, the world cut back on trade and Newfoundland could no longer afford to pay for it’s hospitals, school and other services. Britain then took direct control of Newfoundland until after WWII. After WWII, Britain said it could no longer afford to assist Newfoundland. Newfoundlanders then voted whether they should join Canada or stay independent. It was a close vote but joining Canada won. Became a province in 1949 Newfoundland!

31 The Canadian Flag Became our flag in 1965 Do you think this is a true symbol of Canada? What else could have been put on the flag?

32 Here’s a little video for you!
re=related How do you feel about Canada? Are you proud to be Canadian?

33 All Information taken from:
Our Canada, Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada, pg

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