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3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion

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1 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion
LTC CHRISTOPHER C. STENMAN COMMANDING CSM JOHN STANLEY COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR Transfer of Authority “Trained and Ready” 4-1 Brigade Special Troops Battalion LTC ERIC T. MOORE COMMANDING CSM WILLIAM K. ALLEN COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR October 4, 2009 Mayor Compound Matar Al Saddiq, Iraq

2 Sequence of Events “The Army Song” First to fight for the right
And to build the nation’s might And the Army goes rolling along. Proud of all we have done, Fighting ‘til the battle’s won, Then it’s Hi! Hi! Hey! The Army’s on its way, Count off the cadence loud and strong! For where’re we go, You will always know, That the Army goes rolling along. Sequence of Events Arrival of Official Party *Invocation *National Anthem Lineage and History Casing/Uncasing of the Colors Remarks Benediction *The Army Song Conclusion (*Please Stand)

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