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IG Domain Repositories RDA 9th Plenary meeting

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1 IG Domain Repositories RDA 9th Plenary meeting
New Co-Chairs Barcelona, Wednesday April 5, 11:30-13:00, Room MR6

2 Process George Alter retired as director of ICPSR and stood down as co-chair of Domain Repositories I.G. in 2016 Ruth Duerr and Bob Hanisch indicated they wanted to step down in 2017 Essential for RDA that the process to appoint new co-chairs is transparent and open. January 2016: to all registered on the DRIG web page Received 4 nominations Consulted with existing chairs, RDA General Secretary (Mark) and I.G. Group contact in TAB (Françoise)

3 New chairs Kerstin A Lehnert Geoinformatics, Scientific Data Management, Igneous Petrology, Geochemistry at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Marine Geology and Geophysics, Columbia University Jamie Shiers Information Technology Department, CERN & Manager of the Data Preservation for Long-Term Analysis in High Energy Physics (DPHEP) Colin Elman Professor, Political Science; Director, Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry Director, Qualitative Data Repository, Syracuse University (replacing Colin if necessary): Sebastian Karcher Associate Director, Qualitative Data Repository, Syracuse University, Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry, Syracuse University

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