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HAQAA Initiative: Objectives, activities and structure of the ASG-QA Consultation workshop Addis Ababa, 16-17 November 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "HAQAA Initiative: Objectives, activities and structure of the ASG-QA Consultation workshop Addis Ababa, 16-17 November 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAQAA Initiative: Objectives, activities and structure of the ASG-QA Consultation workshop Addis Ababa, November 2017

2 HAQAA= Harmonisation of African Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation
EU Service contract Element of the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership ‘Sister’ initiative of Tuning Africa Implementing consortium: University of Barcelona (coordinator), AAU, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), European University Association (EUA) and European Association for Quality Assurance (ENQA)

3 HAQAA Objectives Objective: “Contribute to and support the harmonisation of higher education programmes and the creation of a revitalised, distinctive, attractive and globally competitive African higher education space, through enhanced intra-African collaboration” Development of a harmonised quality assurance and accreditation system at institutional level, national, regional and Pan-African continental level Boost for the implementation of ‘PAQAF’ (Pan African Quality Assurance and Accreditation Framework), an official AU commitment

4 HAQAA: Contributing to PAQAF
Development of the African Standards and Guidelines for QA (ASG-QA) Major guiding document for the continent – Common language for QA and baseline standards and principles - To be politically endorsed Capacity building for QA bodies Building a Common Language for QA in Africa («HAQAA Training Course») QA Agency reviews/consultation visits for agency building (2018) Capacity building for institutional quality culture AQRM evaluations in 15 universities Stakeholder buy-in for PAQAF and promotion African QA platform and database: HAQAA Training Course Advisory Board of key regional organisations

5 Online Consultation and Consultation workshop
2017 in review Technical Working Group (TWG) for the development of African Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ASG-QA) Online Consultation and Consultation workshop Training Course on a Common Language for QA in Africa (Training course in Brussels, Bonn and Accra, FR and ENG cohorts, Personal Action Plans) Institutional evaluations employing the AQRM (15 universities in 5 regions)

6 This workshop Present the ASG-QA to key stakeholders (QA bodies, ministries, student associations…) across the continent Discussion Version 2 in depth, in working groups Generate perspectives from student associations on the role of students in QA Generate perspectives from regional and national QA bodies regarding the ASG-QA uptake and implementation Prepare input for the Africa-EU Summit

7 Break out groups Three rounds of break-outs to discuss each part of the ASG-QA Group 1: Bi-lingual (FR/ENG)- Plenary room Group 2: Anglophone – fourth floor Group 3: Francophone – fourth floor Chairs and rapporteurs from the TWG will rotate Participants of each break out group are pre-assigned

8 Break-out groups: Guiding questions
Are the inter-linkage between the three parts (A,B,C) of the ASG-QA clear to everyone? Discussion of the ASG-QA standard by standard: Is each standard clearly addressed? Are there overlaps or redundancies? Should anything be merged?

9 Implementing team HAQAA website:
Elizabeth Colucci and Nicole Font (UB): Violet Makuku (AAU) and Jonathan Mba: Paula Ranne (ENQA): Gudrun Chazotte (DAAD): Goran Dakovic (EUA): HAQAA website:

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