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Massimo Burioni European Commission

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1 FATIMA Optimisation of external nutrient inputs & water management in crop production
Massimo Burioni European Commission DG R&I – Directorate F - Bioeconomy Unit F.3 – Agri-Food Chain Fertiliser WG, Brussels, 13 February 2017 Research and Innovation

2 Agriculture = Food & Nutrition Security
Food is the very basic need for all living beings, and humans make no exception Agriculture provides most of our food supply since more than 10,000 years As far as we know today, agriculture will be the main source of our food in the future as well

3 Wise cropping for Food & Nutrition Security
Wise intensification of crop production systems: "Produce more…" More yield per kg of fertiliser spread per drop of water used per unit of cropped land …with less negative impact" Less pollution of water and soil chemical residues in our food emissions of GHGs

4 Topic on External nutrient inputs
SC WP Topic on External nutrient inputs Research & Innovation Action (RIA) - 8M € of EU contribution Overall objective: Innovative & effective strategies to increase crop yields by optimising the use of external nutrient inputs and water at farm level Expected impacts: Improvement of ground and surface water quality Reduction of soil contaminations from toxic compounds and heavy metals Increased farmers’ competitiveness through the reduction of production costs

5 Research & Innovation Action, Co-funded by Horizon 2020 - Grant 633945
FARMING TOOLS FOR EXTERNAL NUTRIENTS INPUTS AND WATER MANAGEMENT PURPOSE New farm tools and service capacities to help EU intensive farm sector to optimise nutrients & water management and productivity VISION Bridging sustainable crop production with fair economic competitiveness Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (ES) (Anna Osann & Alfonso Calera) Research & Innovation Action, Co-funded by Horizon Grant

6 RIA project 3-year duration 21 beneficiaries 12 countries
(Mar-2015 to Feb-2018) 21 beneficiaries 12 countries 7 pilot areas


8 Integration of different technologies into a practical Variable-Rate delivery system of high resolution


10 VR delivery decreased N inputs by 38% without losses of grain yield in replicated wheat strips
Source, Project FATIMA, H2020 GA


12 Thank you for your attention!
For more information on FOOD2030 and the Bioeconomy:

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