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Next Action Steps & Reflection

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1 Next Action Steps & Reflection
One of the most effective ways to take the journey to a more integrated, complete understanding of ourselves is to explore our belief systems. You spent some time exploring your conscious beliefs – and perhaps have given some thought to what your shadow beliefs might be – and now we’re going to spend some time exploring our conscious beliefs as they relate to the type of work we are doing. Leaders must be able to articulate their beliefs about whatever it is they’re leading – whether they’re leading the development of a product, a task force of some sort or a school. You have to know what you believe so that your decisions and actions as a leader are in alignment with those beliefs. Otherwise, you’re not leading authentically and we know the pitfalls of not leading authentically.

2 “We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey

3 Next Action Steps Reflect on and write down: Key takeaways/learnings.
What you want/need to do with the information you learned. Any commitments you want to make. Next action steps for any commitments you are making.

4 Amen or A-ha! To wrap up, let’s go around the room and each Leader will share something that really resonated with her/him (amen) or came to light for her/him (a-ha) during this first in-person meeting.

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