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National Farmworker Jobs Program

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1 National Farmworker Jobs Program
Grantee Reporting Employment and Training Administration


3 Introductions

4 Laura Ibañez Unit Chief Specialty National Programs Unit
Employment and Training Administration U.S. Department of Labor

5 Andrew Wiegand Social Policy Research Associates
Vice President, Research and Business Development Social Policy Research Associates

6 Grantee Reporting Requirements Overview
Quarterly Narrative Progress Report Revised ETA Form 9130 Workforce Integrative Performance System Performance Negotiation Outcome Next Steps

7 How many of you participated on the Overview of ETA-9130 Financial Reports and Instructions Webinar on August 10th? Of course! 2. No

8 Reporting Requirements
Reporting successes to Congress, Administration, OMB, GAO, etc. Demonstrating grant outcomes to partners to help maintain and build additional strategic partnerships and leverage resources Continuously improving program to meet the needs of participants

9 Reporting Requirements Overview
 Frequency Previous WIA Reporting Requirements New WIOA Reporting Requirements Report to Quarterly ETA Form 9094 – Program Planning Summary Quarterly Narrative Progress Report (suggested template not OMB approved yet) FPO and ETA Form 9095 – Program Status Summary ETA Form 9164 Housing Assistance Summary WIASPR (SPRA) Workforce Integrative Performance System (DOL Only ETA Form 9172) ETA ETA Form 9093 – Budget Information Summary Discontinued _________ ETA Form 9130 – Budget Information Summary Revised ETA Form 9130 (J) Annually Revised Program Plans, project narrative, budget narrative Revised Program Plans FPO Data Validation Information SF 424/ 424A SF 424/424A  ETA

10 Quarterly Narrative Progress report
Report Sections include: Contact Information Summary of Grant Progress Progress of Grant Timeline Development and Implementation of Effective Practices and Program Model Strategies Status Update on Match and/or Leveraged Resources Status Update on Strategic Partnership Activities Key Issues and Technical Assistance Needs Significant Activities, Accomplishments, and Success Stories Additional Information * Report Due Date: Forty-five (45) days after the end of each quarter

11 Contact Information Grant Number Grant Recipient Name Grant Period of Performance Point of Contact

12 Summary of Grant Progress
This section is an executive summary of grant activities, including planned and actual progress. Grant activities should be aligned with the goals and objectives outlined in your grant statement of work (SOW) and ETA approved work plan/timeline.

13 Progress of Grant Timeline
Provide any updates for the progress of ETA approved grant timeline/workplan, including program activities, key deliverables for this quarter and future quarters, and products available this quarter and in future quarters for broad dissemination to the workforce system, if applicable. Items to incorporate in the timeline include: project goals, benchmarks, milestones, special events, important deadlines and deliverables.

14 Development and Implementation of Effective Practices and Program Model Strategies
Describe any lessons learned and how those lessons learned will be integrated into ongoing grant activities. Examples may include developing and implementing an outreach campaign, designing education and training programs, identifying industry sectors and engaging employers, etc.

15 Status Update on Match and/or Leveraged Resources
Identify any funding needs and sources, and report the cumulative amount of any match and/or leveraged resources provided by the grantee and partners along with expenditures each quarter. Please note that both match and leveraged resources must also be reported on the Financial Status Report (ETA-9130) quarterly

16 Status Update on Strategic Partnerships
This section may: (1) Discuss how partners have been engaged during the current phase of the project; (2) Outline specific roles and contributions of each partner during this quarter; (3) Identify any challenges encountered/resolved in the development and management of the partnership; and (4) Report new partners that may have been brought into the project.

17 Key Issues and Technical Assistance needed
Summarize any significant opportunities, issues, or challenges encountered during the quarter and any resolution of issues and challenges identified in previous quarters. Describe any actions taken or plans for addressing issues, any question you have for ETA, and any technical assistance needs.

18 Significant Activities, Accomplishments and Success Stories
Report on any other significant activities and accomplishments. Additionally, describe in detail promising approaches, innovative processes, lessons learned and grant-level and participant-level success stories in this section each quarter, as appropriate. Additionally, if appropriate, please highlight one or two “success stories” from the grant per quarter, with the participant’s express permission.

19 Additional Information
Provide any other grant-specific information considered to be important and not captured in other sections of the quarterly narrative report, including but not limited to, any specific outcomes included in the SOW, if applicable, that are not reflected in the quarterly performance report.

20 Revised ETA Form 9130 Overview of the Revised WIOA ETA Financial Reports and Instructions TEGL 02-16 Summary Handouts and Webinar PowerPoint Slides New Items for ETA Form 9130 J – Indirect Cost Expenditures and Supportive Services Expenditures

21 PIRL Specifications PIRL contains nearly 500 individual data elements
“Only” 224 of those are required data elements for NFJP All but six current WIASPR elements are in the PIRL PIRL adds 141 new data elements We’ve developed a crosswalk between the WIASPR and PIRL items that we can share Report under PIRL for any individual exiting after June 30, 2016 (note: those enrolled by June 30 need not have the additional PIRL data elements completed)

22 How Will Reporting Work?
Grantees will compile a .csv file using the required PIRL data elements, in numerical order File will be uploaded to ETA’s Workforce Integrative Performance System (WIPS), currently being finalized System will be available for upload on a continuous basis, reports due within 45 days of the end of a quarter NFJP grantees will have the option to submit a file to SPR in advance of the reporting deadline for edit checking and technical assistance, if needed

23 How Will Reporting Work?
Grantees will receive a username and password (some time after October 1) to access the WIPS system Grantees will have the option to submit (no later than October 24) a test file to SPR to receive feedback, edit checks, and technical assistance Files uploaded to the WIPA will be checked for errors in two stages: Initial check will assess whether values in each field are valid or whether there are duplicate records. sent to grantee will alert them to any errors Second check will look for logical validations (i.e., relationships between elements) Once checks are complete, grantees/states will then “certify” their data

24 What Will Grantees Receive?
SPR will develop edit check reports and summaries of the data for those grantees that exercise the option to submit data in advance After initially uploading data to WIPS, grantees will receive an identifying errors in valid values or an stating there are no errors in valid values Once data are certified, grantees will receive a summary of their data in the format of the QPR Additional reports, summaries, etc. may be developed down the road, but will not be in place for the November 2016 submission

25 Who is Included in Reporting
Program Year (PY) 2016 Time Periods To Be Reported Report Quarter July – Sept. Oct. – Dec. Jan. – Mar. Apr. – June Report Due Date November 14, 2016 February 14, 2017 May 15, 2017 August 14, 2017 Number Served (Reportable Individual) 7/01/16 to 9/30/16 7/01/16 to 12/31/16 7/01/16 to 3/31/17 7/01/16 to 6/30/17 Number Exited (Reportable Individual) Data Not Available Funds Expended Number Served (Participant) Number Exited (Participant) Employment Rate Second Quarter After Exit Employment Rate Fourth Quarter After Exit Median Earnings Second Quarter After Exit Credential Attainment Rate Measurable Skill Gains Effectiveness in Serving Employers Veterans’ Priority of Service

26 Timing of Reporting Over Next Year
Reporting Date WIASPR Reporting (to SPR, for those exited by June 30, 2016) PIRL Reporting (using WIPS, for those exited after June 30, 2016) Nov. 14, 2016 Feb. 14, 2017 May 15, 2017 Aug. 14, 2017

27 Where to focus? Focus on elements that implicate performance:
PIRL Elements (Employment after exit), (Wages after exit), (Credential), (Measurable skills gain) Capture exit dates accurately and on time – these determine which reporting system to use Add new data elements into your data collection (for those enrolling after June 30, 2016) Recommend setting up your data extract/report to include default values for new fields, which are then “overwritten” when data are collected

28 How Can we Work together to continuously improve?
Using a Single, Nationwide Performance Target for each measure as starting point to negotiations: Optimizes WIOA’s intent to continuously improve programs to meet the needs of participants and communities we serve. Preserves focus on making data-informed decisions. Allows us to align the interests of different stakeholders and examine all leading factors. Recognizes that new measures are more challenging to obtain, and gives grantees greater flexibility to serve those with substantial barriers and still meet targets.

29 Single, Nationwide Targets for PY 2016
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Performance Measures Performance Targets Employment Rate 2nd Quarter After Exit 69.9% Employment Rate 4th Quarter After Exit 66.0% Median Earnings 2nd Quarter After Exit $5,180 Credential Attainment within 4 Quarters After Exit 53.2% Comparable rates for dislocated workers would be: 71.3% (ER, 2nd Quarter), 71.5% (ER, 4th Quarter), $6,754 (ME), and 49.3% (CR). WIOA Youth Performance Measures Employment or Placement in Education/ Training Rate 2nd Quarter After Exit 68.9% Employment or Placement in Education/ Training Rate 4th Quarter After Exit 61.4% No Target Set 65.5%

30 Next Steps ETA will provide additional instructions for quarterly narrative progress report Upcoming tentative date for monthly webinar discussions: Collaboration and Partnerships Webinar Discussion on October 6, 2016.

31 NFJP Webpage tml/NFJP.cfm Migrant and seasonal Farmworkers Monitor Advocate System msfw.cfm WorkforceGPS Social Policy Research Associates Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs Negotiating Performance Goals for the WIOA Title I Programs and the Wagner-Peyser Employment Service as Amended by Title III, for PY 2016 and PY 2017 Training and Employment Guidance Letter 26-15: orr_doc.cfm?docn=9363 Implementation of an Integrated Performance System for multiple ETA and VETS Administered programs Training and Employment Notice 08-16 ttach/TEN/TEN_08-16_Acc.pdf


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