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Young people in Slovakia

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1 Young people in Slovakia

2 Young people ! ! ! 38,32% are young people ! ! !
unemployed people (9,89%) unemployed people under the age of 35 years: ! ! ! 38,32% are young people ! ! !

3 Barriers of young people on the labor market
unwillingness to work low qualification low pay lack of jobs commuting high demands from employers incorrect education system

4 Youth programs for the period 2014 - 2020
The Program „Support of youth organizations" The Program „Youth Policy Priorities" The Program „Voice of Youth" The Program „Services for young" The Program „Communities of young people" The Program „Proofs of Youth"

5 Youth in Trade unions Committee of Young Trade Unionists platform for communication and mobilisation of young trade unionists on the confederation level Council or committee of Young trade unionists an advisory body or a group of young trade unionists in particular trade unions

6 Committee of Young Trade Unionists
goal is to create a network of young, active, trade unionists at regional level and across all the unions sectors of the KOZ SR activation of regional coordinators 3 camping's during the year 2016 became a member of National Youth Council organisation of conferences during presidency of EU 2016 participation of young trade unionists in European activities

7 CEYTUN Central European Young Trade Unionist’s Network
is a platform of over fifty young trade unionist from six Central and Eastern European countries goal is to create long-term relationships in order to advance cooperation of young trade unionists in Europe aims to engage more youth through modern communication tools CEYTUN

8 Council of Young trade unionists of IOZ
is an advisory body and a part of IOZ nowadays has 10 members it was founded in 2009 with the aims to acquire and especially addressing the rising generation annually organizes seminars of young trade unionists IOZ participates on competition of students in regulations of OSH closely cooperates with young people from the partner trade unions in the Czech Republic - OS STAVBA ČR, OS TOK ČR and OS DOSIA 1204 members until 35 years (11,48% from whole number of members of IOZ)

9 Seminars of young trade unionists IOZ
the educational part of seminars the field trip social, cultural and tourist activities

10 Seminars of young trade unionists IOZ
„We want to do something for another, not only to gain something“

11 Cooperation with Committee of Young trade unionists of OS STAVBA ČR
Competition of students secondary vocational school in regulations of OSH Cooperation with Committee of Young trade unionists of OS STAVBA ČR once a year alternately in Slovakia and Czech Republic exchange experiences information about the activities and results both of groups proposals for further cooperation

12 Commission of the Council OZ KOVO for the work with young people
*composition of the Commission Commission od the Council OZ KOVO for the work with young people six young people from the regions of Slovakia

13 Work with young people in OZ KOVO also through the Commission
* Key objectives Education of young trade unionists to actively involve the young people into the key actions of the trade union, Working activities with the young generation of the trade unionists in particular in the light of the development of the work on the Basic organisations level and while respecting their specific place in the working activities of trade organisation, Promotion of existing and acquisition of new participants also through promotion of the trade union activities to the public.

14 How we are working *Examples of the activities Campaign „Thanks KOVO“
Workshops ...on the streets

15 THE END THANK YOU Any questions?

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