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Class of 2022 What classes are available?

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1 Class of 2022 What classes are available?
How many credits are required? Where can I go for more information? What about athletics?

4 year university and beyond 2 year junior college Technical school Military service Work force Decisions made NOW will affect high school and post-secondary plans.

3 GRADUATION OVERVIEW Endorsements, Distinguished Level of Achievement, and Performance Acknowledgements all required to be noted on the transcript and diploma. Performance Acknowledgements include: Dual credit(s), bilingualism/biliteracy, AP/IB tests, SAT/ACT tests, PSAT/ACT-Plan, recognized certifications/licensure

4 Foundation High School Program with Distinguished Level of Achievement
Foundation Curriculum Enrichment Curriculum English Language Arts (4 credits) English I English II English III Advanced English Course Physical Education One credit Health (CISD requirement) ½ credit BIM (CISD requirement) Mathematics (4 credits) Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Advanced Mathematics Course Languages Other Than English Two credits in the same language Science (4 credits) Biology IPC or Advanced Science Course 2 Advanced Science Courses Fine Arts Social Studies (3 credits) World Geography or World History US History U.S. Government (1/2 credit) Economics (1/2 credit) Electives 5 ½ credits Total: 26 credits including the completion of at least one endorsement Notes: LBB, p. 173 Students graduating with Distinguished Level of Achievement will be eligible for Automatic Admission to IHEs (HB 5, Sections 18 & 64). Foundation Curriculum: ELA: Now have an option other than English IV. Science: No longer has a specific requirement for either Physics or Chemistry in statute. Enrichment Curriculum: Statute specifies that SBOE cannot designate a specific course or a specific number of credits in the enrichment curriculum as requirements for the Foundation Program. PE: The substitutions for PE for students with a disability who are unable to participate in physical activity due to disability or illness. These students can still substitute one credit in ELA, math, science, social studies, or an academic elective credit. (ARD committee, 504 committee, or locally developed committee makes this decision.) Additionally, the student substitute a locally developed course/activity allowed under new TEC (g-1) – “a course or other activity, including an apprenticeship or training hours needed to obtain an industry-recognized credential or certificate, that is approved by the board of trustees for credit without obtaining SBOE approval…” Private or commercially sponsored PE is still allowable with Commissioner approval. LOTE: One of the most significant changes is that all students will be required to earn 2 credits in LOTE (current MHSP does not require LOTE). Computer programming languages will count here (other exceptions as well). Based on conversations at SBOE, TEA says it sounds like the SBOE is likely to direct development of “skills-based” courses that would allow schools to choose the computer language(s) they will teach. Exceptions for LOTE: Computer programming languages can substitute as an LOTE. If a student is not likely to complete the 2nd credit in LOTE, he/she must be given an option for an alternate course. SBOE must develop the criteria for schools to decide whether or not students are eligible for this exception and who will have the authority to make that decision, as well as what the alternate option(s) will be. Students with a disability who are unable to complete the 2 LOTE credits must be allowed to substitute 2 credits in ELA, math, science, or social studies or 2 credits in CTE, technology applications, or other academic electives. The substituted credits CANNOT also be used by the student to meet other graduation credits. This is not specific to students who are eligible under IDEA, but statute requires that the ARD committee make the decision for a student who receives special education services and the 504 Committee make the decision for a student served under Section 504. Fine Arts: HB 5 statute allows a community-based fine arts program as a fine arts credit with approval of the Commissioner, if the community-based program provides instruction in the TEKS. (This is similar to the current provision allowing PE credit for private or commercially sponsored PE.) Regarding Speech – there is no statutory requirement for Speech under the current graduation plans; that is an SBOE requirement. Therefore, SBOE could choose to keep speech as a requirement under the Foundation High School Program. Based on preliminary discussions, at least some of the SBOE members have voiced a desire to maintain the speech requirement. Course has a required EOC assessment

5 ENDORSEMENTS Public Service Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Multidisciplinary Business and Industry Arts and Humanities

English I EOC Algebra I EOC Biology EOC English II EOC US History EOC

7 ATHLETICS Everyone must have 1.0 credit of PE.
Freshmen Year: 1.0 credit PE/Athletics Sophomore Year: 1.0 elective Junior Year: elective Senior Year: elective *Marching Band can count towards a PE credit *PE substitution please contact individual counselor

8 COURSE CATALOG Counseling Tab Helpful Links
High School Course Catalog link The course catalog is a great source of information for high school graduation requirements and courses.

9 FRESHMEN CHOICE SHEET Each student received a choice sheet that will list the courses he/she will be able to take next year. We will be visiting one on one with all 8th graders February 26 – March 2 to help them register and select an endorsement. Please talk to your student between now and next week. Changes to the choice sheet will only be done through the SAVE committee.

10 FRESHMEN CONFERENCES Fall Semester, we will meet with all freshmen to go over: Graduation requirements Endorsements 4 year plans

11 FISH CAMP August 10 – Students will be able to:
Learn about rules and expectations Meet administrators Learn about clubs Tour building

12 CONTACT INFORMATION Please feel free to contact us regarding any questions you might have. Kelli Frock (A-H) Cheryl Hukill (I-R) Chris Fant (S-Z & Testing) Mishon Wright (College & Career) Stacy Wright (Secretary)


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