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Paul Jacobs The iSchool University of Maryland Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017

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1 Paul Jacobs The iSchool University of Maryland Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017
INFM 603: Session 2 Building Web Pages – Part I Paul Jacobs The iSchool University of Maryland Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States See for details

2 Today’s Topics How the Internet and Web Work (Some Recap)
Introduction to HTML/CSS Tools for Building and Serving Pages

3 How the Internet and WWW Work

4 Intro to the Web Basics of Internet architecture
Building blocks Servers and addresses How computers communicate data: TCP/IP and HTTP Role of data representation: HTML and XML Applications are built on top of this architecture Web browsers (built from the start on TCP/IP, HTTP, and HTML) and web clients (built on Web browsers, with Java, Javascript, AJAX, etc.) “Cloud-based” applications and interfaces (Amazon, webmail, etc.) Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

5 Some building blocks Application software Data User
Infrastructure software Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML Note: “organization” might include society at large (e.g. WWW) Terminology of “client” and “server” used in different ways Client makes requests, server satisfies those requests Desktop computer that serves primarily as client can be called a client Note: software not shown (physical view) Desktop computer (Client) Local-area network Server Global network (Internet)

6 Client Web browser Web server Application logic Databases and DBMS
Common gateway interface Application logic Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML Databases and DBMS Application partition

7 Internet Layers – Five Things You Want to Know
Information/data is exchanged (often via HTTP) at the application layer between hosts (i.e., computers) The hosts may have to break the data up into chunks to send over the network. These chunks are called packets. To coordinate the exchange of packets and make sure everything is received and reassembled correctly, a session is established at the transport layer, often using a protocol called TCP. Within TCP, packets can be routed and switched at the network layer in order to reach their destination. This layer uses a protocol called IP for the source/destination “address”. An application called DNS translates “domain names” (the part of the address we recognize) into IP addresses (which we often don’t). Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML Moore’s law make shift from large time sharing computer facilities to individual, small but powerful computer systems, and

8 TCP/IP (Two Layers) Course overview Physical infrastructure
Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

9 IP Addresses Every “node” (e.g., host, router, device) is identified by an “Internet Protocol” (IP) address 32 bit number, divided into four “octets” (8 bits expressed as a decimal): Note: This is IPv4, IPv6 has 128-bit addresses, like: FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329 Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML Examples: point your browser at Type “IP address” into Google

10 An Internet Protocol (IP) Address
Identifies a network IP address: Identifies a specific computer Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

11 Networks of Networks Local Area Networks (LAN)
Connections within a room, or perhaps a building Wide Area Networks (WAN) Provide connections between LANs Internet Collection of WANs across multiple organizations Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

12 The Internet Global collection of public “IP” networks Independent
Private networks are often called “intranets” Independent Each organization maintains its own network Cooperating Internet Protocol (IP) address blocks Domain names (ICANN) World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

13 A Short History of the Internet
1969: Origins in government research Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPAnet) Key standards: UDP, TCP, DNS 1983: Design adopted by other agencies Created a need for inter-network connections Key standards: IP 1991: World-Wide Web added point-and-click Now ~1 billion Internet “hosts” (January 2014) Key standards: HTTP, URL, HTML, XML Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML Moore’s law make shift from large time sharing computer facilities to individual, small but powerful computer systems, and

14 What Changed in 1994?

15 TraceRoute and Other Tools
Look at how packets make their way visually around a network Play with a variety of network tools

16 The TCP/IP “Protocol Stack”
Link layer moves bits Ethernet, cable modem, DSL Network layer moves packets IP Transport layer provides services to applications (delivers “messages”) UDP, TCP Application layer uses those services DNS, SFTP, SSH, … Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

17 TCP/IP layer architecture
Application Virtual network service Transport Virtual link for end to end packets Network Virtual link for packets Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML Link Link Link Link Link Link Link for bits Link for bits Link for bits

18 For the More Advanced Course overview Physical infrastructure
Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

19 Ports Well-known ports Registered Ports Ephemeral Ports
22 Secure Shell (for SSH and SFTP) 25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 53 Domain Name System (DNS) 68 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 80 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 143 Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) 554 Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Registered Ports 8080 HTTP server run by ordinary users Ephemeral Ports Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

20 Domain Name Service (DNS)
“Domain names” improve usability Easier to remember than IP addresses Written like a postal address: specific-to-general Each “name server” knows one level of names “Top level” name servers know .edu, .com, .mil, … .edu name server knows umd, umbc, stanford, … name server knows glue, ischool, ttclass, … name server knows x, y, z, … Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

21 IP Addresses and Domain Names
Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML Domain Name:

22 Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Domain name File name Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML Protocol Port Path What’s the relationship between a URL and an IP address?

23 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Most common for the transport layer of the Internet (transports data packets from one address to another) Guarantees delivery all data Retransmits missing data Guarantees data will be delivered in order “Buffers” subsequent packets if necessary No guarantee of delivery time Long delays may occur without warning Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

24 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Used to move files between machines Upload (put) moves from client to server Download (get) moves files from server to client Both visual and command line interfaces available Normally requires an account on the server Userid “anonymous” provides public access Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

25 Internet  Web Internet: collection of global networks
Web: way of managing information exchange (i.e., using a browser) There are many other uses for the Internet File transfer (FTP) (SMTP, POP, IMAP) Telephony/video (VOIP) Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

26 The World-Wide Web My Browser Requested Page (HTML) Fetch Page
Local copy of Page requested Requested Page (HTML) Proxy Server Fetch Page Remote Sever Send Request (http) Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML A server that sits between a client application, such as a Web browser, and a real server. It intercepts all requests to the real server to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it forwards the request to the real server. Proxy servers have two main purposes: Improve Performance: Proxy servers can dramatically improve performance for groups of users. This is because it saves the results of all requests for a certain amount of time. Consider the case where both user X and user Y access the World Wide Web through a proxy server. First user X requests a certain Web page, which we'll call Page 1. Sometime later, user Y requests the same page. Instead of forwarding the request to the Web server where Page 1 resides, which can be a time-consuming operation, the proxy server simply returns the Page 1 that it already fetched for user X. Since the proxy server is often on the same network as the user, this is a much faster operation. Real proxy servers support hundreds or thousands of users. The major online services such as Compuserve and America Online, for example, employ an array of proxy servers. Filter Requests: Proxy servers can also be used to filter requests. For example, a company might use a proxy server to prevent its employees from accessing a specific set of Web sites. Internet

27 “The Web” Internet communication protocols RTSP FTP Email Web Server
HTML HTTP URL “The Web” Internet communication protocols RTSP FTP Web Server HTTP (transfer) File System URL (e.g., Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML HTML (data/display)

28 HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Send request GET /path/file.html HTTP/1.0 From: User-Agent: HTTPTool/1.0 Server response HTTP/ OK Date: Fri, 31 Dec :59:59 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 1354 <html><body> <h1>Happy New Millennium!</h1> … </body> </html> Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML The Difference Between FTP and HTTP File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is a protocol used to upload files from a workstation to a FTP server or download files from a FTP server to a workstation. It is the way that files get transferred from one device to another in order for the files to be available on the Internet. When ftp appears in a URL it means that the user is connecting to a file server and not a Web server and that some form of file transfer is going to take place. Most FTP servers require the user to log on to the server in order to transfer files. In contrast, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, is a protocol used to transfer files from a Web server onto a browser in order to view a Web page that is on the Internet. Unlike FTP, where entire files are transferred from one device to another and copied into memory, HTTP only transfers the contents of a web page into a browser for viewing. FTP is a two-way system as files are transferred back and forth between server and workstation. HTTP is a one-way system as files are transported only from the server onto the workstation's browser. When http appears in a URL it means that the user is connecting to a Web server and not a file server. The files are transferred but not downloaded, therefore not copied into the memory of the receiving device.

29 HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Simple document (page) structure language for Web Historically based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language, for publishing) Advantages Adapts easily to different display capabilities Widely available display software (browsers) Disadvantages Does not directly control layout Does not formally specify data structures (ergo XML) Course overview Physical infrastructure Course administration Intro to the Web/HTML

30 Intro to HTML/CSS

31 HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Simple document (page) structure language for Web Historically based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language, for publishing) Advantages Adapts easily to different display capabilities Widely available display software (browsers) Disadvantages Does not directly control layout Does not formally specify data structures (ergo XML) Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

32 What is HTML (more)? HyperText Markup Language
Standard language for transmitting web pages/web content The input that allows web browsers to function The framework within which many scripts are written The output of many scripts Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

33 What About CSS? Cascading Style Sheets More to come later
Separates appearance from markup Avoids repetitive work A “patch”? A “kluge”? More to come later Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

34 Related terms SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) (ca. 1986) – parent, framework XHTML (eXtensible HTML) – current version SHTML DHTML – dynamic HTML XML – a hybrid, closer to SGML and used for web interchange/middleware Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

35 The text between the title tags appears as the title of the web page.
A Basic HTML File/Page <?xml version = "1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" " <!-- Fig. 4.1: main.html --> <!-- Our first Web page --> <html xmlns = " <head> <title>Internet and WWW How to Program - Welcome</title> </head> <body> <p>Welcome to XHTML!</p> </body> </html> Main.html Program Output © Prentice Hall The text between the title tags appears as the title of the web page. Elements between the body tags of the html document appear in the body of the web page

36 HTML Headers Header.html © Prentice Hall
<?xml version = "1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" " <!-- Fig. 4.4: header.html --> <!-- XHTML headers > <html xmlns = " <head> <title>Internet and WWW How to Program - Headers</title> </head> <body> <h1>Level 1 Header</h1> <h2>Level 2 header</h2> <h3>Level 3 header</h3> <h4>Level 4 header</h4> <h5>Level 5 header</h5> <h6>Level 6 header</h6> </body> </html> Every XHTML document is required to have opening and closing html tags. The font size of the text between tags decreases as the header level increases.

37 Headers – Browser Display
Browser Ouput © Prentice Hall Select a header based on the amount of emphasis you would like to give that text.

38 Links and Anchor Text Links.html © Prentice Hall
<?xml version = "1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" " <!-- Fig. 4.5: links.html > <!-- Introduction to hyperlinks --> <html xmlns = " <head> <title>Internet and WWW How to Program - Links</title> </head> <body> <h1>Here are my favorite sites</h1> <p><strong>Click on a name to go to that page.</strong></p> <p><a href = " <p><a href = " Hall</a></p> <p><a href = " <p><a href = " Today</a></p> </body> </html> Links.html © Prentice Hall Text between strong tags will appear bold. Linking is accomplished in XHTML with the anchor (a) element. The text between the a tags is the anchor for the link. The anchor links to the page whose value is given by the href attribute. Elements placed between paragraph tags will be set apart from other elements on the page with a vertical line before and after it.

39 Links – Browser Output Clicking on the “Deitel” link will open up the Deitel homepage in a new browser window.

40 Embedding Images in HTML
<?xml version = "1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" " <!-- Fig. 4.7: picture.html --> <!-- Adding images with XHTML --> <html xmlns = " <head> <title>Internet and WWW How to Program - Welcome</title> </head> <body> <p><img src = "xmlhtp.jpg" height = "238" width = "183" alt = "XML How to Program book cover" /> <img src = "jhtp.jpg" height = "238" width = "183" alt = "Java How to Program book cover" /></p> </body> </html> Picture.html © Prentice Hall The value of the src attribute of the image element is the location of the image file. The height and width attributes of the image element give the height and width of the image. The value of the alt attribute gives a description of the image. This description is displayed if the image cannot be displayed.

41 Syntax and Lingo “Tag” – any kind of markup, denoted by < and >
Can appear 2 ways, eg. <title> … </title> (/ means end of that element) or <img … /> (the entire contents of the element is between < and /> “Element” means any part of a document indicated by a set of tags “Attribute” and “value” (for an attribute) are assigned within elements, e.g. alt = "XML How to Program book cover” <input type = "submit" value = "Submit Your Entries" /> (type and value are attributes) Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

42 Embedded Images - Display
Browser Output © Prentice Hall The second image could not be displayed properly, so the value of its alt attribute is displayed instead.

43 Images as Anchors/Nav Menus
<?xml version = "1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" " <!-- Fig. 4.8: nav.html > <!-- Using images as link anchors --> <html xmlns = " <head> <title>Internet and WWW How to Program - Navigation Bar </title> </head> <body> <p> <a href = "links.html"> <img src = "buttons/links.jpg" width = "65" height = "50" alt = "Links Page" /></a><br /> <a href = "list.html"> <img src = "buttons/list.jpg" width = "65" height = "50" alt = "List Example Page" /></a><br /> <a href = "contact.html"> <img src = "buttons/contact.jpg" width = "65" height = "50" alt = "Contact Page" /></a><br /> <a href = "header.html"> <img src = "buttons/header.jpg" width = "65" height = "50" alt = "Header Page" /></a><br /> <a href = "table.html"> <img src = "buttons/table.jpg" width = "65" height = "50" alt = "Table Page" /></a><br /> Nav.html © Prentice Hall Placing an image element between anchor tags, creates an image that is an anchor for a link. A line break will render an empty line on a web page.

44 Images as Anchors/Display
Nav Output © Prentice Hall Clicking on the image entitled “links” brings the user to the page on the right. Using an image as an anchor works exactly the same as using text.

45 Some Image File Formats
.jpg (JPEG) – Probably most common these days, allows compression, compatible with most image software, cameras, etc .gif (GIF) – Also fairly common, allows for transparency and automation .bmp (BMP, Bitmap) – No compression .png (PNG) – Avoids intellectual property issues but not as common There are still numerous issues with displaying images in browsers (e.g., size, download times, broken links, accessibility, etc.) Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

46 Some Other HTML Tags <head> </head> - the page header, where the title goes, for example <!-- this is a comment --> - comments, very important but ignored by the browser <p> </p> beginning and end of paragraph Lists (unordered and ordered, <ul> </ul> and <ol> </ol>) Tables (e.g. <table>, <thead>, <tbody>, … ) This Space Available Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

47 Some Other HTML Features
Forms Image Maps Frames SEO-related tags, e.g. “<meta>” with “keywords” or “description” Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

48 A Note on Validators (and others)
<meta “charset=UTF-8”> or <meta “charset=ISO ”> Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

49 Why Learn HTML? It helps us to understand something about computers and basic programming Even if we use page composition software (like Dreamweaver or KompoZer) or a CMS (like Drupal, WordPress) we may need to “hack” some HTML to make our pages the way we like them Scripting languages interact with HTML and may have to create HTML, so we can’t learn scripting without knowing some HTML Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

50 Each form must begin and end with form tags.
HTML Forms 1 <?xml version = "1.0"?> 2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" " 4 5 <!-- Fig. 5.3: form.html --> 6 <!-- Form Design Example 1 --> 7 8 <html xmlns = " <head> <title>Internet and WWW How to Program - Forms</title> </head> 12 <body> 14 <h1>Feedback Form</h1> 16 <p>Please fill out this form to help us improve our site.</p> 19 <!-- This tag starts the form, gives the method of --> <!-- sending information and the location of form --> <!-- scripts. Hidden inputs contain > <!-- non-visual information > <form method = "post" action = "/cgi-bin/formmail"> 25 <p> value = "main.html" /> </p> <input type = "hidden" name = "recipient" value = /> <input type = "hidden" name = "subject" value = "Feedback Form" /> <input type = "hidden" name = "redirect" 32 Form.html © Prentice Hall Each form must begin and end with form tags. The method attribute specifies how the form’s data is sent to the Web server. The post method appends form data to the browser request. The value of the action attribute specifies the URL of a script on the Web server. Input elements are used to send data to the script that processes the form. A hidden value for the type attribute sends data that is not entered by the user.

51 The value attribute displays a name on the buttons created.
HTML Forms (cont’d) Form.html © Prentice Hall 34 <!-- <input type = "text"> inserts a text box --> <p><label>Name: <input name = "name" type = "text" size = "25" maxlength = "30" /> </label></p> 40 <p> <!-- input types "submit" and "reset" insert --> <!-- buttons for submitting and clearing the --> <!-- form's contents > <input type = "submit" value = "Submit Your Entries" /> <input type = "reset" value = "Clear Your Entries" /> </p> 50 </form> 52 </body> 54 </html> The label element describes the data the user needs to enter in the text box. The size attribute gives the number of characters visible in the text box. The maxlength attribute gives the maximum number of characters the user can input. The value attribute displays a name on the buttons created.

52 HTML Forms – Browser Display
Form Display © Prentice Hall Text box created using input element. Submit button created using input element. Reset button created using input element.

53 Some Other Form Elements and Attributes
<select> [element] - drop down list with <selected> attributes checkbox [attribute, e.g. <input name = “instructor” type = “checkbox” value = “Jacobs”>] radio [attribute] - radio button, e.g. <input name = “heardaboutus” type = “radio” value = “friend”> Password [attribute] Forms go with scripts (to come later; the input name and value “posts” to the script as a variable value) Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

54 A Note on Forms – Input, Reset and Submit
Input attributes can be used by all scripts, including client-side (e.g., javascript) and server-side (e.g., PHP) Submit button (attribute) is only used with action element to send data to server-side Reset button (attribute) clears all input; it looks a lot like submit but acts differently Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

55 Time for Some Hands-On Practice
Create an HTML page using WordPad Save it on your computer Open with a browser For more advanced students – use extra time to create a fancier page, using tools

56 Creating and Editing Pages Using Tools

57 How Are Web Pages Created?
Static pages using text editors (Notepad, Wordpad, Notepad++, emacs, VI, . . .) Good for practice Can be good for programming (e.g., Notepad++) Static pages using HTML editors (esp. WYSIWYG) like DreamWeaver, KompoZer Much faster for certain features, like layout, images Still allows hardcore HTML editing and programming Can support site publishing and site management Content Management Systems like Drupal, Joomla, WordPress Better for re-use, large scale site creation Can be harder to customize, program Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

58 Some Tools for This Class
Some kind of FTP (to upload files to sites) (WinSCP suggested, others for MAC) Some kind of good editor (NotePad++ suggested) for code, etc. Some kind of HTML editor (KompoZer or Dreamweaver suggested) Content management, others to come later Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

59 Why KompoZer Freely available
Has very similar features to other HTML editors Not platform-specific (or browser-specific) Has at least some basic support for publishing, scripts Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

60 KompoZer – Basic Interface
Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

61 KompoZer – Tag View Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

62 KompoZer – HTML Source View
Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

63 More Hands-On Practice

64 Basics of Creating/Editing Web Pages
Start with the basics – copy header or copy entire file from somewhere and edit it Make changes to your HTML file Open the file with various browsers and make sure that it looks right (note: if you’re using a WYSIWYG HTML editor this will be easier) Copy the file up to terpconnect or to some other public site as needed using SFTP (note: later in the class you’ll be able to copy entire sites with many pages, but for now we’ll do one file at a time) Note: if your HTML pages link to other local files (such as using <img src = “mypicture.jpg” … > ) you will need to make sure that those files are also in the right place. Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together The Difference Between FTP and HTTP File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is a protocol used to upload files from a workstation to a FTP server or download files from a FTP server to a workstation. It is the way that files get transferred from one device to another in order for the files to be available on the Internet. When ftp appears in a URL it means that the user is connecting to a file server and not a Web server and that some form of file transfer is going to take place. Most FTP servers require the user to log on to the server in order to transfer files. In contrast, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, is a protocol used to transfer files from a Web server onto a browser in order to view a Web page that is on the Internet. Unlike FTP, where entire files are transferred from one device to another and copied into memory, HTTP only transfers the contents of a web page into a browser for viewing. FTP is a two-way system as files are transferred back and forth between server and workstation. HTTP is a one-way system as files are transported only from the server onto the workstation's browser. When http appears in a URL it means that the user is connecting to a Web server and not a file server. The files are transferred but not downloaded, therefore not copied into the memory of the receiving device.

65 Getting Started with Tools
Goal: Create your own basic web page, get some practice with HTML Steps Try it first with WordPad or Notepad Then download and install Notepad++, KompoZer, and an sftp tool (if you haven’t finished already) Edit your page(s) and upload to terpconnect (e.g., using WinSCP or FileZilla) [note – you will have to change directories to /pub] View the page from a browser on the Web Get ready for more advanced features (CSS, forms, scripts) If you want to use other tools to complete the assignments, that is fine – but you may get less help from class Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

66 Where We Are in the Course
We can create and edit basic HTML pages (or even basic sites) We can see how those pages will appear on the Web We need more power to change the look of the pages (Session 3) We can create forms using HTML but can’t do much with the input Need to be able to do basic computations on the input, using Javascript (Session 4) Need to be able to upload form data to other applications (Session 7, using PHP) Need to be able to read data from databases and store form data in databases (Sessions 5, 6, 7, and 8) We need to learn better tools for creating and managing web sites, rather than just pages (Session 9) We need to learn how HTML can be generated dynamically from programs and applications (Sessions 7, 8, and 9) Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together The Difference Between FTP and HTTP File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is a protocol used to upload files from a workstation to a FTP server or download files from a FTP server to a workstation. It is the way that files get transferred from one device to another in order for the files to be available on the Internet. When ftp appears in a URL it means that the user is connecting to a file server and not a Web server and that some form of file transfer is going to take place. Most FTP servers require the user to log on to the server in order to transfer files. In contrast, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, is a protocol used to transfer files from a Web server onto a browser in order to view a Web page that is on the Internet. Unlike FTP, where entire files are transferred from one device to another and copied into memory, HTTP only transfers the contents of a web page into a browser for viewing. FTP is a two-way system as files are transferred back and forth between server and workstation. HTTP is a one-way system as files are transported only from the server onto the workstation's browser. When http appears in a URL it means that the user is connecting to a Web server and not a file server. The files are transferred but not downloaded, therefore not copied into the memory of the receiving device.

67 Recap – Intro to HTML What is HTML, what type of language is it, and what’s its role on the Web How to create and edit HTML files Using different types of tags Knowing how to structure and modify pages Different tools for creating and changing files Understanding the big picture Getting HTML files up to a web server Knowing what comes later (creating HTML dynamically, more complex sites, application integration) Intro to HTML/CSS Page Tools Putting it Together

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