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Americanisation What is Americanisation?

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Presentation on theme: "Americanisation What is Americanisation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Americanisation What is Americanisation?
Why did some young people start to rebel in the 1950s? C aim – to explain why some young people started to rebel B aim – to prioritise the reasons why some young people rebelled A/A* aim – to assess how far young people rebelled and justify your prioritisation of reasons Americanisation What is Americanisation? Give a present-day example of Americanisation. Give a 1950s example of Americanisation. Why was Britain open to Americanisation in the 1950s? Could the 1950s rebellions have happened without Americanisation?

2 The Baby Boom! Large numbers Confident Assertive
Feel they are the future As they grow up they begin to grow Britain’s economy How did this contribute to the 1950s rebellions?

3 Technology Televisions 1951 Credit Card 1950 Passenger Jets 1952
Recording techniques improved for music Record improved that music was played on How did technology cause the 1950s rebellions?

4 What other reasons were there for the 1950s rebellions?
p. 483 Ben Walsh What other reasons were there for the 1950s rebellions?

5 List the causes of 1950s rebellions
List the causes of 1950s rebellions. Number them from most to least important. Justify your prioritisation. How far did young people rebel?

6 Why else was this poster published?
‘I pretty much wore what my Dad did. Sunday suit for church, overalls for work, and a shirt and tie when I went out. A couple of my friends started to buy jeans from America. You should have heard the rude comments from my neighbours when they turned up to my house…but they looked so cool!’ (David Rimmer 19, describing what he wore at the end of the 1950’s.) Which source is more accurate in explaining what life was like for young people? Why else was this poster published?

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