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Unit 7: The Great Depression

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1 Unit 7: The Great Depression

2 Please take out your Prohibition packet & paragraphs.
Entry Task Please take out your Prohibition packet & paragraphs.

3 Using the rubric in your packet, please self-assess your paragraph.
Entry Task Using the rubric in your packet, please self-assess your paragraph.

4 Sample Thesis Statement - 5
America changed its mind on Prohibition because of the increasing crime rates, widespread government corruption, and a struggling economy. Sample Thesis Statement - 4 America changed its mind on Prohibition because of crime, corruption, and the economy.

5 Evidence If you have 3 pieces of evidence from the documents, that’s a 4 To get a 5, you need STRONG evidence, the best facts to prove your point Analysis If each piece of evidence has an explanation, that’s a 4 To get a 5, you need to FULLY explain how each evidence supports your claim, in your own words, making the connection for the reader. What does this quote mean & why should we care about this info?

6 Conclusion Style & Formatting
If you re-stated your thesis statement, that’s a 4 To get a 5, your conclusion should wrap up your paragraph with a final statement that explains your point and goes beyond the obvious. Style & Formatting To get a 5: NO spelling or grammar mistakes All evidence is cited Paragraph is indented and double-spaced Language choices are sophisticated

7 The Great Depression Unit 7

8 What caused the most severe economic crisis in US history?
Chapter 30 Use the chapter to complete the information on the worksheet. Turn it in if you finish please. DUE on Monday (2/12)

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