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Introduction to Web Authoring

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1 Introduction to Web Authoring
Ellen Cushman

2 Today in Class… For Next Time:
Introductions Syllabus Textbooks Goals Policies Projects Schedule Getting Started: The Personal Project Template For Next Time: 1. Familiarize yourself with syllabus & schedule 2. Pick up your HTML & CSS references 3. Start customizing your personal project page

3 Introduce Yourself! Give us Your name, major etc.
A description of your web experience A description of your writing experience, including other writing courses you have taken An interesting fact about you that, once people hear it, makes them say, get the $&#* out!”

4 Course Goals To learn basic principles, skills, and technologies for web authoring. To gain fluency in analyzing and producing web-based genres. To acquire best practices of information architecture. To build a basis of expertise for fostering web authoring excellence in co-workers and clients. To engage in reflective writing, laying a foundation for a career in professional writing. To develop an awareness of how we learn in order to increase our comfort level when engaging new rhetorical challenges.

5 This Course in the PW Major
Professor DeVoss will be visiting this week or next to discuss this in more detail. For your viewing pleasure, another slideshow :)

6 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Goals Textbooks Policies and procedures Projects Schedule

7 Project Timeline September October November Dec.
Personal Project Page Exercises Web Genre Analysis Web UA Site To do well, you’ll need to be consistently writing and revising throughout the semester. Plan for 2 hours or so outside of class for each hour in class WebSolutions Group Project

8 Grab the Personal Project Page Template
1. Go to the course home page and look under “Recent Class Materials.” I’ll frequently post materials here. 2. Click the link to view the template in the browser. 3. Go back to the home page and right-click on the link to download the source file to your desktop. It is called “perspagetmp.html”

9 Turning Your Projects in…
Set up a personal project page. A website where you’ll post your projects, big and small.

10 Web Space? You have access to an account provided by MSU– your AFS Space. To put stuff there, FTP to and store files in the directory called public_html; Or, in a networked lab, map the drive and navigate to your public_html directory Did that last bit of jargon confuse you?

11 Project 1: Genre Analysis & Parody/Tribute

12 For Next Time… 1. Familiarize yourself with syllabus & schedule
2. Pick up your HTML & CSS references or order them online for immediate delivery. 3. Pay attention to pp 53-7 the trinity of web standards in Zeldman (this will be placed online as well). 3. Start customizing your personal project page

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