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The Constitution.

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1 The Constitution

2 Preamble The Preamble of the Constitution of the United States reads,
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

3 Preamble Write out in your own words what you think each of the following means: Establish justice Insure domestic tranquility Provide for the common defence Promote the general welfare Secure the blessings of liberty

4 Article 1 Section 1 Two-House Legislature
This section creates a TWO House Legislature which consists Of a SENATE and a HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

5 Article 1 Section 2 House of Representatives
1. Members of the House of Representatives are up for re-election every TWO years.

6 Article 1 Section 2 House of Representatives
2. To serve in the House of Representatives one must be At least 25 years of age At least 7 years a citizen of the United States Must LIVE/RESIDE within the state he/she is representing.

7 Article 1 Section 2 House of Representatives
3. Each state has a certain number of representatives. This number is based on the states POPULATION.   Every TEN years a census is held that determines how many representatives each state receives

8 Article 1 Section 2 House of Representatives
5.The House of Representatives has the exclusive power to IMPEACH or bring charges of criminal activity against a government official.

9 Article 1 Section 3 The Senate
1. Each state has TWO senators regardless of the state’s population. With 50 states, this equals 100 senators.

10 Article 1 Section 3 The Senate
2. 1/3 of Senators are up for election every 2 years. Senators are elected for SIX year terms.

11 Article 1 Section 3 The Senate
3. To serve in the Senate one must be At least 30 years of age At least 9 years a citizen of the United States Must LIVE/RESIDE within the state he/she is representing.

12 Article 1 Section 3 The Senate
4. The VICE PRESIDENT serves as president of the Senate, but only votes if there is a TIE.

13 Article 1 Section 3 The Senate
5. Whereas the House of Representatives has the right to impeach(bring charges) against government officials, the TRIAL of these officials is held exclusively in the Senate.

14 Article 1 Section 3 The Senate
6. 2/3 of senators must vote to convict a person brought up for impeachment.

15 Article 1 Section 3 The Senate
7. If a person is convicted by the Senate he/she is removed from office. What must happen for that person to face further criminal action?

16 Article 1 Section 4 Elections and Meetings
1. Election regulations are left to the STATES though Congress may pass certain laws concerning elections.

17 Article 1 Section 4 Elections and Meetings
2. The Congress is required to meet at least ONCE per year.

18 Article 1 Section 5 Rules and Procedures
1. Each house of Congress has the right to judge the QUALIFICATIONS of its members.

19 Article 1 Section 5 Rules and Procedures
2. In order to conduct official business each house must have a MAJORITY of its members present.

20 Article 1 Section 5 Rules and Procedures
3. Each house may make rules for its members. Members may be expelled by a 2/3 vote.

21 Article 1 Section 5 Rules and Procedures
4. Each house of congress is required to keep a JOURNAL/RECORD of its activities, though some parts may be excluded for security reasons. Unless agreed upon, Congress shall not adjourn for more than 3 days during the session.

22 Article 1 Section 6 Privileges and Restrictions
1. Members of Congress set their own SALARIES. The 27th Amendment to the Constitution states that pay increases voted by Congress cannot take effect until after the following Congressional election.

23 Article 1 Section 6 Privileges and Restrictions
Typically, members of congress cannot be SUED OR ARRESTED for what they say while in Congress—unless the speech is criminal in nature.

24 Article 1 Section 6 Privileges and Restrictions
2. Members of Congress may not hold any other PUBLIC/GOVERNMENTAL office while in Congress.

25 Article 1 Section 7 Lawmaking Process
1. All bills for raising revenue (money bills) must originate in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

26 Article 1 Section 7 Lawmaking Process
2. After both houses of Congress pass a bill it goes to the PRESIDENT to sign. If he/she signs the bill it become s a LAW.

27 Article 1 Section 7 Lawmaking Process
If he/she VETOES the bill it goes back to Congress. Congress can OVERRIDE the VETO by a 2/3 majority vote. If the President takes no action on a bill, the bill becomes law after a 10 day period.

28 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
1. Congress has the power to COLLECT taxes. Congress has the power to PAY the debts and provide for the common DEFENCE.

29 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
Congress has the power to promote “the general welfare” of the people. What do you think this means?

30 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
2. Congress has the power to BORROW money on the credit of the United States

31 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
3. Congress has the power to REGULATE commerce with foreign nations, states, and Indian Tribes.

32 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
4. Congress has the power to establish laws concerning naturalization (citizenship) and laws on the subject of BANKRUPTCIES throughout the United States.

33 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
5. Congress has the power to COIN money and to regulate its value. Congress has the power to fix the standards of WEIGHTS and measures.

34 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
6. Congress has the power to provide punishment for COUNTERFEITING money

35 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
7. Congress has the power to establish POST offices and public ROADS.

36 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
8. Congress has the right to issue COPYRIGHTS and patents.

37 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
9. Congress has the power to set up COURTS.

38 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
10. Congress has the power to punish CRIMES and felonies committed on the high seas.

39 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
11. Congress has the power to declare WAR.

40 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
12. Congress has the power to raise and support ARMIES

41 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
13. Congress has the power to provide and maintain a NAVY.

42 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
15. Congress has the power to call for the MILITIA to execute the laws of the union, suppress INSURRECTIONS, and repel invasions.

43 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
16. The modern day equivalent of the militia is called the NATIONAL guard.

44 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
17. Congress has the power to maintain the “seat of government” What is the capitol of the United States? WASHINGTON D.C.

45 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
18. Congress has the power to make all laws which shall be “necessary and proper” for carrying out the powers granted to Congress by the Constitution. This is called the ELASTIC clause.

46 Article 1 Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress
Can you think of any ways in which Congress might abuse this power?

47 Article 1 Section 9 Powers Denied to the Federal Government
2. The Federal Government may not suspend the writ of HABEUS CORPUS (illegally imprison people) unless there is a rebellion or the public safety requires it.

48 Article 1 Section 9 Powers Denied to the Federal Government
3. Congress may not pass unfair laws or enact unfair PUNISHMENTS.

49 Article 1 Section 9 Powers Denied to the Federal Government
4. Congress cannot create nationwide TAXES. The exception to this is the income tax which was enacted in the 16th Amendment to the Constitution.

50 Article 1 Section 9 Powers Denied to the Federal Government
5. The Federal Government cannot TAX exports.

51 Article 1 Section 9 Powers Denied to the Federal Government
6. The Federal Government cannot pass any law that would favor the trade of one STATE over another.

52 Article 1 Section 9 Powers Denied to the Federal Government
7. The Federal Government cannot spend money that has not been authorized by LAW.

53 Article 1 Section 9 Powers Denied to the Federal Government
If the above answer is true, how is it that the United States is trillions of dollars in debt and constantly deficit spends?

54 Article 1 Section 9 Powers Denied to the Federal Government
8. The Federal Government cannot grant any title of NOBILITY nor can people from the government accept gifts or titles from other countries unless Congress approves.

55 Article 1 Section 10 Powers Denied to the States
1. States may not enter into TREATIES or alliances, or coin MONEY, or deficit spend, or pass laws of unfair punishment or grant titles of nobility.

56 Article 1 Section 10 Powers Denied to the States
2. States cannot tax IMPORTS without the consent of Congress.

57 Article 1 Section 10 Powers Denied to the States
3. States cannot declare WAR with other nations, unless they are invaded or in grave danger.


59 Article 2 Section 1 President and Vice President
1. The President shall hold his office for a term of 4 years along with his Vice President

60 Article 2 Section 1 President and Vice President
2. The President and Vice President are elected officially by the ELECTORAL college

61 Article 2 Section 1 President and Vice President
3. The 12TH Amendment to the Constitution changed the way Presidents were elected.

62 Article 2 Section 1 President and Vice President
4. Congress determines when electors will VOTE.

63 Article 2 Section 1 President and Vice President
5. The President of the United States must be a NATURAL born citizen and have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.

64 Article 2 Section 1 President and Vice President
6. Amendment 25 changed the way in which Presidential Succession works.

65 Article 2 Section 1 President and Vice President
7. Can the President’s salary be changed while he/she is in office?

66 Article 2 Section 1 President and Vice President
8. Before taking office the President swears to uphold and DEFEND the Constitution.

67 Article 2 Section 2 Powers of the President
1. The President is the COMMANDER in Chief of the Armed Forces.

68 Article 2 Section 2 Powers of the President
The President has the power to grant PARDONS and reprieves with the exception of IMPEACHMENT cases.

69 Article 2 Section 2 Powers of the President
2. The President has the power to make TREATIES and to appoint AMBASSADORS. The SENATE must confirm major appointments made by the President.

70 Article 2 Section 2 Powers of the President
3. The President has the power to make TEMPORARY appointments to office if the Senate is not in session.

71 Article 2 Section 3 Duties of the President
The Constitution requires that the President inform Congress on the STATE of the UNION. This is usually done once a year.

72 Article 2 Section 3 Duties of the President
The President also has the ability to call a SPECIAL session of Congress or to ADJOURN Congress if he/she feels that it is necessary.

73 Article 2 Section 3 Duties of the President
The President also is responsible for receiving AMBASSADORS from other countries.

74 Article 2 Section 3 Duties of the President
The President is also responsible to make sure that all LAWS are faithfully executed.

75 Article 2 Section 4 Impeachment and Removal From Office
The President, Vice President, and all civil officers (government officials) can be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of TREASON, BRIBERY, or other “high crimes or misdemeanors”

76 Article 2 Section 4 Impeachment and Removal From Office
What do you think would constitute a “high crime or misdemeanor” worthy of removing a sitting president?


78 Article 3 Section 1 The Federal Courts
The judicial power of the United States shall be vested(given) to ONE Supreme Court and in INFERIOR COURTS as created by Congress.

79 Article 3 Section 1 The Federal Courts
Federal judges can serve for LIFE unless they are impeached and found guilty of certain crimes.

80 Article 3 Section 2 Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts
1. The Federal courts try all cases involving the CONSTITUTION, federal LAWS, and TREATIES.

81 Article 3 Section 2 Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts
Lawsuits involving the federal government, TWO states, or citizens of different states are tried in FEDERAL courts.

82 Article 3 Section 2 Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts
2. Cases involving AMBASSADORS or officials of foreign nations are tried in the SUPREME court.

83 Article 3 Section 2 Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts
3. All crimes except in cases of IMPEACHMENT are tried by jury.

84 Article 3 Section 3 Treason
1. It is considered TREASON to wage war against the United States or to give AID to the enemies of the United States.

85 Article 3 Section 3 Treason
What do you think should be the penalty for Treason? Why?


87 Article IV Section 1 State Records
Official acts of one state must be RECOGNIZED as legal by all other states.

88 Article IV Section 2 Privileges and Immunities of Citizens
1. States are required to treat CITIZENS of another state the same as their own citizens.

89 Article IV Section 2 Privileges and Immunities of Citizens
2. States are allowed to ask for the return or EXTRADITION of criminals who have fled to other states.

90 Article IV Section 2 Privileges and Immunities of Citizens
3. This provision used to be used in the event of SLAVERY. This ended with the Civil War.

91 Article IV Section 3 New States and Territories
1. Congress has the power to admit new STATES to the Union.

92 Article IV Section 3 New States and Territories
2. Congress has the power to manage and govern LAND owned by the United States and its territories.

The Constitution can be amended under the following circumstances: 2/3 of both houses deem it necessary A NATIONAL convention called by 2/3 of the states By 3/4 vote of special state conventions or state legislatures

1. All MONEY previously borrowed under the ARTICLES of CONFEDERATION will be repaid.

2. The Constitution is the SUPREME law of the land and thus outweighs STATE/LOCAL laws.

3. All FEDERAL and STATE OFFICIALS must take an oath swearing to uphold and defend the Constitution. There is no RELIGIOUS test that shall ever be required to hold office.

9/13 states must ratify this Constitution for it to take effect. The Constitution was ratified on MARCH 4, 1789.
























































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