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Closing the Attendance GAP

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1 Closing the Attendance GAP
Grijalva Elementary By Jessica E. Rodriguez, M. Ed.

2 Closing the GAP Attendance GAP Purpose Closing the Attendance GAP program was developed to increase the overall attendance and academic achievement of second grade students with poor attendance. The Attendance GAP program is also a pilot program to build on, implement, and expand next school year. Closing the Attendance GAP program was developed to increase the overall attendance and academic achievement of second grade students with poor attendance. The Attendance GAP program is also a pilot program to build on, implement, and expand next school year.

3 GAP Goals To decrease the frequency of absences, and increase overall attendance. Increase academic learning. Help students develop an understanding of the importance of school. Assist students in developing healthy attendance patterns.

4 Reason Selected Target Group
High grade level teacher collaboration and support. Working with this grade on Evidence Based Second Step Program. Target Group Second grade students More than 10 absences before the end of 2nd Semester.

5 This Attendance GAP Group is aligned with ASCA Standards
Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the lifespan.

6 Number of Students Affected
This pilot GAP group consists of 6 students Demographics 3 females 3 males 4 Hispanic 2 African-American

7 Data Collection Process
Closing the GAP Data Collection Process 1. Researched absentee patterns, mobility rates, academic performance, social issues, family situation, and health considerations. Established parent support and buy-in of the program. 3. Created visual graphs of attendance patterns for each student to check weekly. Formulated a student rapport, positive reward system, and relative weekly group topics. Data was collected on each student by collaborating with the attendance clerk, principals, nurse, teachers, social worker, parent(s), and student.

8 Gap Attendance Activity
The Good Morning Club (Group) meets every Tuesday to write about and discuss academic achievement and personal success. Students put a sticker on their chart every day they come to school. After 10 stickers, they receive a prize and a recognition certificate signed by the principle and counselor. Gap Attendance Activity

9 Quarterly Attendance Data (Excused and Unexcused Absences)
Students # of individual student absences

10 Combined Absences # of Absences Totals Q Q Q Q4 21 to date

11 GAP Group Average Quarterly Attendance

12 Morning Club Data This data represents weekly absence totals (UA and EA) since the GAP Group started. # of Weekly Absences per Student Weeks 2/14-5/16

13 DRA (Reading) Test Scores
Student P not enrolled

14 Results All of the GAP students have increased their reading test scores, as well as their overall attendance. Most of the students are now at grade level for reading. Students

15 Results (Continued) GAP students are now able to recognize the impact that coming to school everyday makes in regards to learning and academic achievement.

16 Closing the Attendance GAP
By, Jessica E. Rodriguez, M. Ed. Please do not copy, present, and/or distribute without permission.

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