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Chapter 17 “Becoming a World Power”

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1 Chapter 17 “Becoming a World Power”
Section 3 “A New Foreign Policy”

2 Vocabulary Concession Roosevelt Corollary Dollar diplomacy

3 1. Why did the United States want to build the Panama Canal?
history-panama-canal#deconstructing-history- panama-canal marvels/videos/inside-the-panama-canal 2. What were the goals of Theodore Roosevelt’s “big stick” diplomacy? 3. In what ways did the foreign policies of Presidents Taft and Wilson differ from those of President Roosevelt?

4 The Panama Canal French attempted (Failed)
Columbia refused to negotiate with U.S. Roosevelt secretly helped rebels to create an independent Panama Canal vital for U.S. (move ships from Atlantic to Pacific Oceans)

5 Panama Canal ng-history-panama-canal#deconstructing- history-panama-canal marvels/videos/inside-the-panama-canal

6 Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy
Roosevelt Corollary: the U.S. government would intervene to prevent intervention from other powers. Helped with peace talks (Russo- Japanese War) Wanted to protect U.S. interests in China

7 presidents/theodore- roosevelt/videos/roosevelts-big-stick- foreign- policy?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1 &free=false

8 Foreign Policy after Roosevelt
Taft's main foreign policy goals: maintain the open door to Asia and preserve stability in Latin America. Dollar diplomacy failed (created enemies) Mexican Revolution Wilson's interference in Mexican affairs soured relations between the two countries for years to come.

9 4. Why did Roosevelt issue the Roosevelt Corollary
4. Why did Roosevelt issue the Roosevelt Corollary? How did people in Latin America and the United States react to Roosevelt’s declaration? 5. How were Teddy Roosevelt and Andrew Jackson similar in the way in which they used the power of the presidency to achieve policy goals? presidents/theodore- roosevelt/videos/roosevelts-big-stick-foreign- policy?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&fr ee=false

10 Review: Prepare your Response Cards

11 1. What controversy surrounded the construction of the Panama Canal?
A) The salaries of the workers were too low. B) The land had been acquired by illegal means. C) The usefulness of the canal was highly questionable. D) Building material contracts were given to friends of the Panamanian president.

12 B) The land had been acquired by illegal means.

13 2. President Taft believed in
A) promoting American investment in foreign economies. B) avoiding all oversees involvement. C) sending troops to support American policies. D) limiting business investment overseas

14 A) promoting American investment in foreign economies.

15 3. During his presidency, Theodore Roosevelt intervened most often in the affairs of
A) European nations. B) Asian nations C) Latin American nations. D) African nations

16 C) Latin American nations.

17 4. In Asia, Roosevelt worked to
A) limit American military power. B) Keep markets open for American goods. C) cause conflicts between other nations. D) keep markets closed to American goods.

18 B) Keep markets open for American goods.

19 5. A main goal of the Panama Canal was to
A) help Latin American economies become independent. B) improve relations between the United States and Colombia. C) help European nations trade with Latin America. D) allow the American Navy to move quickly from ocean to ocean.

20 D) allow the American Navy to move quickly from ocean to ocean.

21 6. True/False The Civil War brought home to Americans the need for a shorter route between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans

22 False

23 7. True/False In the Roosevelt corollary, or extension of a previously accepted idea, Roosevelt denied that the United States wanted any more territory.

24 True

25 8. True/False Taft's main foreign policy goals were to maintain the open door to Asia and preserve stability in Latin America.

26 True

27 9. True/False Dollar diplomacy did succeed as well as Taft had hoped.

28 False

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