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Corporate Learning Course

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Learning Course"— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Learning Course
Emergency Services Corporate Learning Course

2 Emergency Services/Operations
Functions in this section Emergency Services Flight Operations Counterdrug Drug Demand Reduction AFROTC/CAP Initiative Safety Communications Corporate Learning Course

3 Emergency Services/Operations
Main Points The wing ES staff Supplemental policies to ES directives MOUs with state and local agencies Description of working organizations Wing alerting methods Training and certification Corporate Learning Course

4 Emergency Services/Operations
Primary members of the wing ES staff Corporate Learning Course

5 Emergency Services/Operations
Supplemental wing ES policies What are they? How wing policy affects unit operations Agreements and MOUs with local and state agencies How these agreements affect unit operations Corporate Learning Course

6 Emergency Services/Operations
Description of organizations Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC) Air Force National Security and Emergency Preparedness Office (AFNSEP) What they do How they interact with wing to perform the missions Corporate Learning Course

7 Emergency Services/Operations
Wing methods for alerting on-call personnel Call-down roster Radio Corporate Learning Course

8 Emergency Services/Operations
Wing training and certification Wing ES training opportunities Types of training delegated to squadrons Corporate Learning Course

9 Emergency Services/Operations
Summary The wing ES staff Wing supplemental policies MOUs with state and local agencies Description of working organizations Alerting methods Training and certification Corporate Learning Course

10 Emergency Services/Operations
Questions? Corporate Learning Course

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