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Greek Roots/Prefixes.

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1 Greek Roots/Prefixes

2 Introduction Why do we need to learn Greek roots?
Greek roots are important to learn because they make up the English language. Once you know 1 Greek root, you can instantly recognize at least 4 words. Who decided Greek was important? Greek and Latin are the base of countless languages around the world. English is made up of all these languages and America is made of European people.

3 Examples of Greek words you already know….
Biology Geology Philosophy Community Synonym, Antonym Autobiography

4 Break down words… Words are essentially 2 to 3 parts

5 Greek Roots anthr (g) man anthropology, philanthropist arch (g) chief
monarch, archbishop, archenemy primitive, ancient archaeology, archaic, archive auto (g) self automatic, autobiography biblio (g) book bibliography, Bible bio (g) life biology, biography, biochemistry, biopsy chron (g) time chronological, synchronize, chronicle cosm (g) universe cosmos, cosmopolitan, microcosm crat (g) rule democrat, aristocrat, bureaucracy

6 Roots, continued… cycl (g) circle, ring bicycle, cycle, encyclopedia
dem (g) people democrat, epidemic, demography gen (g) birth, race generation, genocide, genealogy geo (g) earth geography, geometry, geology gon (g) angle pentagon, octagon, diagonal gram (g) letter, written telegram, diagram, grammar graph (g) write telegraph, photograph, autograph hydr (g) water hydrogen, hydrant, hydrate

7 Annnd….a few more… aster = star graph = to write path = feel, hurt
phon = sound photo = light tele = far, end anthrop = human morph = form, shape ped = child

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