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Causes of Cell Death.

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1 Causes of Cell Death

2 Anoxia Anoxic Injury: cell damage/death caused by lack of oxygen

3 Usually results from lack of blood supply caused by:
Occlusion of vessels or clotting Occlusion: “blocking of” What would be the concern if you had anoxic damage to your myocardial cells? Heart attack (myocardial infarction) Accounts for 20-25% of deaths in industrial nations

4 Occlusion of Vessels Can also lead to stroke if occurs in vessels going to the brain.

5 Arterial Embolus

6 Anemia May also be the result of anemia
Deficiency of rbc and/or hemoglobin Not enough oxygen is getting to tissue Caused by: Blood loss Not enough iron

7 Hemoglobin The oxygen carrying protein in the rbc
Primary function is to bind O2 that diffuses into the bloodstream from the lungs and then transport it to outlying tissues and to transport CO2 back

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9 Iron (Fe) forms the central structure of hemoglobin
Iron has an affinity for oxygen You have ~250 million hemoglobin molecules on one rbc Each hemoglobin has the capacity to bind between 1 and 4 O2 molecules

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11 Anemia How do you feel if your cells do not have enough oxygen? Tired
Lethargic Low immune system

12 Anemia #1 group affected by anemia? Young women (reproductive age)

13 Why? Lack of eating Women have fewer rbc than men
Males 5.4 million rbc per mL of blood Women 4.8 million rbc per mL of blood Menstruation: lose approximately 1/10 pint of blood

14 Anemia Fe deficient anemia most common Less common: sickle cell anemia
Genetic disorder 1 amino acid is misshaped which reduces the ability to deliver O2 Sickle shaped rbc have difficulty moving through small blood vessels

15 Sickle Cell Anemia ©http://bsw-uiuc

16 Sickle Cell Anemia ©http://www. microscopyu

17 CO Poisoning Can be the result of carbon monoxide poisoning
If you inhale CO, it attaches to the Fe+ CO has a stronger affinity to the Fe+ than O2 Fe always “picks” CO over O2 and holds onto it (it doesn’t unload it in the tissue) Eventually starves tissue of O2

18 CO Poisoning CO is colorless and odorless—undetectable
Only treatment for CO poisoning is O2 therapy with high percentage of O2 Taking a person outside will not help him/her



21 Anoxia What happens in an anoxic situation? Hypertrophy: cell swells
Caused by: Impairment of oxidation Damaged cell membrane

22 Anoxia C6H12O6 + O2 → ATP + CO2 + H2O
Without enough O2, glucose accumulates in the cell Water diffuses in Cell swells Membrane is damaged

23 Cell Hypertrophy ©http://online-media. uni-marburg


25 If anoxia occurs in the brain, person has about 4
If anoxia occurs in the brain, person has about 4.5 minutes before cells begin to die Stroke Swelling causes everything to shut down

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