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By Laura Burgazzi, Alisha Plumb, Bethany Crow & Stephanie Hayes

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Presentation on theme: "By Laura Burgazzi, Alisha Plumb, Bethany Crow & Stephanie Hayes"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Laura Burgazzi, Alisha Plumb, Bethany Crow & Stephanie Hayes
Carbon Footprints By Laura Burgazzi, Alisha Plumb, Bethany Crow & Stephanie Hayes

2 What is a Carbon Footprint?
A Carbon Footprint is the measure given to the amount of green house gases produced by burning fossil fuels, measured in units of carbon dioxide. Like walking on a soft sandy beach everyone leaves a footprint. Its like that but a lot more harmful for the environment! The bigger the carbon footprint the worse for the earth.

3 How can we lower our carbon footprint?
You can plant a tree, or a few trees. Trees breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen. You could use energy saving light-bulbs because they last longer and are greener. You can turn off your computer and monitor when your not using it. You could lower your hot water heater to 120° F.

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