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So… Being online. What can go wrong?

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Presentation on theme: "So… Being online. What can go wrong?"— Presentation transcript:


2 So… Being online. What can go wrong?
It’s so easy to post online now - that often we do so without thinking. Sometimes we post things we wish we hadn’t and want to get them removed. Most sites will have a delete post option, but remember that once you have put something up – anyone can save it and re post!!!! Once your picture is out there, it’s out there forever and you won’t be able to get it back…

3 Social Networking… What’s Wrong With This Update? “Bethany is such a loser. She asked in class whether Hitler was” This is a hurtful post which could lead to cyberbullying

4 Social Networking… What’s Wrong With This Update? “Woohoo! Going to Wales for a whole week! Be back next week! C ya!!” This reveals that the kids family is going away on holiday and gives the time they will be gone

5 Social Networking… What’s Wrong With This Update? “Just got a new iPhone and want to test my ring. Someone call !” This post reveals a phone number

6 What’s Wrong With This Update? “
Social Networking… What’s Wrong With This Update? “ “Heya, let’s get together after school at my house. 12 Treeview Terrace, TY5 3LB” This gives away an address. Use a fictional address.


8 Contact details… Don’t post your phone number or address on your homepage. Think about it – why would anyone actually need this info when they can message you privately via your social networking site?

9 Uploading pictures… Only upload pictures that you’d be happy for your mum or grandmother to see – anything too sexy to be passed round the dinner table should NOT make it onto the web

10 Uploading pictures… Don’t post pictures of you or your mates wearing school uniform – if dodgy people see your school badge, they can work out where you are and find you. The more anonymous you are, the less vulnerable you are to people with bad intentions.

11 Staying Safe. Think Before You Post
It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and write or do something that may seem hilarious at the time. But remember, what you say can really hurt someone, or come back to haunt you. Think before you post. It only takes a second or two. Ask yourself if you really want to say it.

12 Where to go for help…. If you feel anyone is being weird with you or your friends; or if someone is bullying you on one of these sites – contact the administrator of the chat area. If they don’t get back to you – you might want to think twice about using the site again. If it’s really serious – like you think the person contacting you may be an adult who wants to abuse you or your mates, report the issue on this thinkuknow site using ClickCEOP.

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