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Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC

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1 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Subcommittee 1: Techniques and Developments Zhong Chen SC1 Chair 05/12/2016

2 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Scope SC1 Techniques and Developments Scope Subcommittee 1 provides the technical expertise and resources necessary for maintaining existing and newly proposed C63® approved standards documents. New or existing measurement techniques and associated instrumentation, measurement methods, and limits development related to EMC are incorporated as assigned by the Main Committee ASC C63®.

3 Subcommittee 1 Membership Roster
Chair: Zhong Chen Vice Chair: Harry Hodes Name Role within Subcommittee 1 Affiliation Arthurs, Mark Member Sony Attayi, Masud Blackberry Corporation Chen, Zhong Chair ETS-Lindgren DeLisi, Bob UL LLC Ghizzone, Dean Northwest EMC Griffin, Andy CISCO Systems Harrington, Tim FCC Heirman, Don Don HEIRMAN Consultants Hodes, Harry Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Hoolihan, Dan Hoolihan EMC Consulting Howard, Mike Liberty Labs Kiemel, Greg Klinger, Jeff Compatible Electronics, Inc. Kuczynski, Victor Vican Electronics Lombardi, Rick Visteon Corporation / SAE Primary Long, Randy Laboratory Accreditation Bureau O’Neil, Janet Secretary O’Dwyer, Michael Apple, Inc. Parker, Doug Pettit, Ghery Intel Potts. Nate Samoto. Mits Liberty Labs Asia Schaefer, Werner Schaefer Associates Sigouin, Dan DHS-EMC Silberberg, Jeffrey L FDA Center for Devices & Radiological Health Umbdenstock, Don Tyco Retail Solutions Wall, Art Radio Regulatory Consultants / TCB Council Ward, Dennis PCTEST Engineering Laboratory Whitesell, Steve Whitesell Consulting / TIA Zainal, Khairul LS Research Zimmerman, Dave Spectrum EMC New Members: Jason Nixon and Mac Elliot

4 C63.2 Update on Working Groups Specifications for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength Measurement Instrumentation The ballot closed on Tuesday, 4/21/2015. 19 people were in the ballot pool. There were 3 negative votes, 4 no responses, 0 abstentions, 6 approve and 6 approve with comments. The ballot passed as there was 63% Approval (Majority Test - entire ballot body) and 80% Approval (Two-thirds Test: returned votes, excluding abstentions).

5 The reason for the three negative votes were:
Limitation of the lower frequency end from 10 Hz to 9 kHz (due to reference to C63.2 in MIL-STD 461x) Existence of Table 2 in new revision (concern is that test instrument acceptable under CISPR to be unacceptable under C63.2) In addition, numerous editorial and general comments have been received: Addition of various standards to the clause of normative references Add section on definitions and acronyms (e.g., quasi-peak detector, average detector, etc.)

6 Reasons for limiting the frequency range to 9 kHz in C63.2:
The current version, C , does indeed state in its title the frequency range 10 Hz to 40 GHz. However, Table 1 calls out actual specifications from 9 kHz to 40 GHz. In clause 3.1 C states: “The existing requirements for the low-frequency band, from 10 Hz to 20 kHz (as specified in ANSI C , Clause 5 and Figure 1), shall be maintained. The characteristics in this range are the same as shown in Clause 9 of CISPR :2003.”

7 Clause 5 of C states: “The frequency range of individual instruments may cover any portion of the overall frequency range and may tune below 10 Hz or above 40 GHz. Based upon user applications and radio-frequency spectrum use, it is suggested that individual instruments cover one or more of the following ranges: a) 10 Hz–20 kHz b) 10–150 kHz (0.150 MHz) c) 0.150–30 MHz d) 30–1000 MHz (1 GHz) e) 1–18 GHz (or 1–40 GHz)

8 Figure 1 of C relates to the definition of a quasi-peak detector in the frequency range 10 Hz–20 kHz (similar to the quasi-peak detector definition for CISPR Band B). The intended use is for measurements of interference from power lines around the mains frequency. CISPR :2003 Clause 9 defines a Audio-Frequency Voltmeter with a psophometric filter. The omitted specifications did not support MIL-STD 461x measurements other than stating that an instrument needs to cover the frequency range 10 Hz to 20 kHz.

9 During the C63.2 working group meeting held on 5/6/2015 it was decided to formally request input from the Tri-Service committee on measuring equipment specifications supporting emission measurements per MIL-STD 461F in the frequency range 30 Hz to 9 kHz considering the following: Specifications outlined in Table 2 of C are to be provided Deadline for input is set for June 8, 2015 If input is received the information will be put in a normative annex, making requirements normative for MIL-STD 461 based measurements only If no input is received by set date the frequency range of the standard will be as stated 9 kHz to 40 MHz

10 Concern about harmonization of test equipment: C63. 2-2015 clause 1
Concern about harmonization of test equipment: C clause 1.2 clearly states that the standard does harmonize the requirements in CISPR However, it is agreed that an additional explicit statement will be added to clause 3 to indicate harmonization. Comment: Addition of Definitions and Acronyms 2014 IEEE-SA Standards Style Manual clause 10.7: If the standard makes extensive use of acronyms or abbreviations, a subclause within the definitions clause titled “Acronyms and abbreviations” may be provided. The acronyms used are IF, CW and VSWR – do we really have to explain those?

11 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C X PINS-C approved by WG, SC1 and C63 (Nov 2014) 21 proposals for work narrowed down initially to 9; those not of high priority were identified and reasons given in C63 voting document PINS-C study question processes well underway It presents what should initially be studied for the next edition of C63.4; Objective is to form a PINS to start in earnest revisions WG meeting held 5/9/ to 1500 11

12 Monday 5/9/16 Meeting Reviewed the 9 topics to consider first
Measurement methods above 1 GHz-rnd robin test Use of multiple antenna masts/antennas in SAC Remove absorber “patch” option above 1 GHz Way forward with 2 dB “rule” Tolerances for dimensional requirements Adding phase requirements for LISNs Harmonizing visual displays with CISPR 2-or not Revisiting antenna bore citing Handling approved interpretations

13 Monday 5/9/16 Meeting Next steps for C63.4 project:
Continue research work Form PINS for SC/1 to move it to C63 for approval by in third quarter 2016 Draft changes for review by first quarter 2017 Ready for balloting process by mid 2017 Publish by early 2018

14 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.4a PINS approved at the meeting yesterday. amendment to be processed in C63 Only Annex D on NSA site validation is being modified as a consequence of questions asked by many via the interpretation process Equations in Annex D as well as other places in text are being corrected Action is on fast track WG meeting held to noon on 5/9/16 14

15 A mature document is being circulated by email in SC1
A mature document is being circulated by in SC1. Once complete, it will be circulated to main committee by . It is desired to expedite the process due to the urgent need for the amendment to be published

16 C63.4a Main changes in draft sent to SC1 for review
Transmit antennas no longer moved Test volume key in antenna placement Transmit antenna distance to absorbers reduced to 25 cm from 1 m Added NSA up to 3 meters above ground plane Added NSA validation for 5 meter test sites Figures improved to show clearly the layout of transmit antennas distance to the receive antenna Frequency step size for discrete frequency NSA measurements set Corrected equations as identified

17 Monday 5/9/16 Meeting Few changes in draft that was sent to SC1
Clarify where attenuator pads are placed Allow tuned dipole and BB antennas for discrete frequency NSA Time to lower antenna shall be much longer than spectrum analyzer sweep time Refer more to C63.7 for types of problems NSA theoretical tables are for geometries shown; other geometries allowed Annex N differential values returned to original

18 Monday 5/9/16 Meeting Steps for C63.4a project:
Presented to SC/1 for review and approval Resolve any comments from SC/1 Ask at S/C 1 meeting to forward to C63 for balloting if all major comments are resolved during S/C 1 review C63 ballot in August (short document to review) Resolve any C63 balloter’s comments in September Get mandatory editorial coordination (MEC) Publish by next C63 meeting in November Time for amendment—less than 9 months

19 Monday 5/9/16 Meeting Way forward: SC1 review progressed already
Comments received accounted for by WG SC1 votes approval to move the draft to C63 to start the balloting process Ballot group formed by secretariat Ballot proceeds Resolve any comments Ballot recirculation possible if changes technical If no recirculation needed, go to MEC/publication.

20 C63.5 Update May 2016 PINS is on website Active document from Oct 2012
Last WG meeting was held Monday, 5/9/2016 12 people present – 8 WG members, 4 guests

21 C63.5 Update May 2016 Second Recirculation Ballot closed April, 22, 2016 Standard was approved Ballot responses 2 negative responses 6 commenters 88 comments in total Mainly editorial. WG decided to change symmetry test Currently MHz for bicon, LPDA and Hybrid Changed in this meeting – MHz for bicons and hybrids Both Negative ballot comments are directly related to undated references in C63 standards. 2014 Recir Ballot results 2016 Recir Ballot results Total Sent 26 App Dis Abs Cmt Not Returned Total Returns and Statistics 13 6 1 16 18 2 5 3 % Approval (Majority Test): entire ballot body 50.00% 69.23% % Approval (Two-thirds Test): returned votes, excluding abstentions 68.42% 90.00%

22 C63.5 Update May 2016 Presentation on antenna VSWR
Presenter – Mits Samoto Presentation provided an overview of matching pad values at the output of the receive antenna to meet VSWR requirements (2.5:1) Summary on next Slides Bicon and Hybrid perform about the same below 60MHz. Attenuator >3dB is needed.

23 C63.5 Update May 2016

24 C63.5 Update May 2016

25 May 2016 New C63.25 WG In February 2016 it was decided and approved by the SC1 Chair that the C63.4 WG (Don Heirman) will continue addressing the site validation requirements below 1 GHz. C63.25 is only addressing the frequency range 1GHz to 18 GHz regarding site validation. New standard – Plan to circulate a draft to SC1 in second quarter of 2016 The TD SVSWR Method in the current draft of C63.25 is for all intent and purposes complete. PINS is current (see website) Scope: This standard provides methods of measurement requirements for the validation of radiated emission test sites in the frequency range of 1 GHz to 18 GHz. These requirements are applicable to fully anechoic rooms (FAR) and when spectrally treated on the floor open-area test sites (OATS), fully- and partially-covered OATS, semi-anechoic chambers (SAC).

26 C63.25 Background The CISPR technique for site validation above 1 GHz
May 2016 C63.25 Background The CISPR technique for site validation above 1 GHz (CISPR : ), called the Site-VSWR (SVSWR) approach, is referenced C63.25. An alternative approach to test site validation is the time domain method detailed in C63.25. The TDR method has several useful features: such as requiring less time to perform the validation giving an indication of where the site or chamber may be deficient and allowing use of corrective measures to bring it into compliance The user will now have the ability to select the option of choosing among the two techniques. Because the time domain approach is relatively new and as yet to be adopted universally, detailed specifics of how to perform the test will be provided in C63.25.

27 May 2016 C63.25 meeting May 2016 Face to face meeting yesterday (IEEE Piscataway, NJ). 9 attendees Two Webinar meetings in 2016 There are some minor action items to be addressed; Editorial Definitions Reporting requirements; An informative checklist will be developed. A flowchart will replace the script used for the VNA necessary for the TDR method in C63.25. Scripts are vendor neutral. There is a mechanism to download the scripts from the public IEEE web site.

28 Interpretation Requests
C63.4 (2014) “CISPR or ANSI Antenna Calibration” from Werner Schaefer, request dated ; Subgroup members include Heirman (Chair), Sigouin, Kuczynski, Zainal, Pettit, Ward, Hodes, Samoto, Zimmerman, and Harrington C63.4 (2014) “Clause Absorber Height” from Yujiro Seki, request dated ; Subgroup members include Heirman (Chair), Chen, DeLisi, Sigouin, Samoto, W. Schaefer, Pettit, and Klinger C63.5 (2006) “Annex A.A.1 Formula” from Luis Carrion, request dated ; Subgroup members include Harrington (Chair), Chen, and DeLisi C63.4 (2014) “Double Ridge Horn Aperture” (Footnote G) from Dietmar Leugnern, request dated ; Subgroup members include DeLisi (Chair) Heirman, Chen, Hodes, Kuczynski, Schaefer, Ward and Zainal C63.4 (2014) “Annex N.4.3 Use of Attenuators” from Doug Schlam, request dated ; Subgroup members include DeLisi (chair), Heirman, Hodes, Kuczynski, Pettit, Samoto, Schaefer, and Sigouin. Subgroup response sent to Jerry Ramie on May 2, 2016 to forward to the parent committee. C63.4 (2014) “Clause 4.4 & 5.6 In-situ LISN Use” from Ehav Ever, request dated ; Subgroup members include Heirman (Chair), Harrington and Kuczynski

29 Four new interpretation requests received in recent weeks, and volunteer groups formed during the SC1 meeting

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