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Digitalisation in transport – ECSA’s views

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1 Digitalisation in transport – ECSA’s views
Public hearing on digitalisation in transport Martin Dorsman ECSA, Secretary General

2 About ECSA - Facts & Figures
Representing 21 national shipowners’ associations of the EU countries and Norway Founded in 1965 Promotes and protects the interests of European shipping Brussels Secretariat – 9 employees

3 ECSA’s views on digitalisation I
Digitalisation: not a goal in itself What goals to achieve for shipping? Lower administrative burden when calling at/leaving EU Ports Reduce cost of EU’s external trade and internal trade – short sea shipping (SSS) Improve competitive position of shipping, esp. SSS Reduce burden on seafarers – 2 to 3 hours work per port call – increase job satisfaction and safety

4 ECSA’s views on digitalisation II
Shipping part of the logistical chain What goals to achieve for the logistical chain including shipping? Improve the efficiency of the whole logistical chain Reduce cost of EU’s external trade and internal trade Improve the environmental performance of the logistical chain – reduce waiting times, congestion etc.

5 Conditions to realise the potential benefits
Make data exchange and re-use of data possible Key challenges: harmonised data sets, EU to harmonise not MS harmonised way of reporting, EU to harmonise not MS open standards/technology neutral Trust between operators in the logistical chain Questions such as ownership of data, confidentiality, authorisation to change data etc. need to be answered

6 Are we on track? Yes and no Yes: proposal to change Reporting Formalities Directive – BUT needs improvement to secure potential gains No: reporting to new national customs systems to be done before the entry into force of the new Reporting Formalities regulation Yes: proposal to change Port reception facilities directive – harmonization of EU regulations with IMO, electronic reporting No: Digital Tax Reporting – especially for cruise ships burdensome as no harmonization at all between MS on content and way of reporting

7 Timing at EU level of different new reporting systems is an issue
Digitalisation is important but does not take away the need for streamlining and harmonising regulations MS to accept the bigger overall gain of streamlining and harmonising at EU level Timing at EU level of different new reporting systems is an issue Thank You

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