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4328/EE5339: Foundations in Medical Imaging

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1 4328/EE5339: Foundations in Medical Imaging

2 Medical Imaging Kambiz Alavi, Ph.D Professor of EE B.S., Physics MIT
M.S., Physics MIT Ph.D., Physics MIT Postdoctoral Fellow AT&T Bell Laboratories – 1983 Research Scientist Siemens, Princeton NJ Associate Prof., EE UT Arlington, TX Professor., EE UT Arlington, TX – Department Manger BAE Systems, NH Adjunct Prof. UTSW

3 Basic Information Instructors: Kambiz Alavi, Ph.D.
Phone: (817) Office Hours: Tu Th 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm (?) Mailbox: Web page:

4 Biomedical Imaging Imaging ModalityP Year of Discovery
Discoverer/Inventor Wavelength/Energy Basic Principles X-Ray November 8, 1895 Röntgen Computed Axial Tomography 1972 Hounsfield Positron Emission Tomography 1953 Brownell, Sweet SPECT - Single Photon Emission Comp. Tomog. 1963 Kuhl, Edwards NMR MRI (idea) (first clinical img.) 1946/52 1971 1973 Bloch, Purcell/Hahn Damadian Lauterbur Ultrasound 1952 1961 Wild, Reid First Clinical Magneto Encepha-lography (MEG) 1984 Singh, Brechner, Henderson Optical Tomography (OT) 1992 Chance (UPENN) Barbour (SUNY)

5 Course Description This course introduces the fundamental principles of medical imaging, including the basic concepts of linear system theory, imaging operations, X-ray computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Ultrasound Imaging(US), Infrared imaging, nuclear medicine imaging, . The selected topics cover the physical principles of imaging modalities with the emphasis on how the image is computed.

6 Grading Rules 40% Homework and Quizzes; 20% Take Home Exam Exam;
20% In Class Exam; 20% In Class Final Exam.

7 reading/reference Books
Fundamentals of Medical Imaging, written by Paul Suetens, first edition, Cambridge University Press, 2002. Foundation of Medical Imaging, Z.H. Cho, J.P. Jones, M. Singh, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York 1993, ISBN Principles of Medical Imaging, K.K. Shung, M.B. Smith, B. Tsui, Academic Press, San Diego 1992, ISBN An Introduction to the Principles of Medical, C. Guy, D. ffytche, Imaging, Imperical College Press 2000, ISBN Image Reconstruction in Radiology, J.A. Parker, CRS Press, Boca Raton, FL 1990, ISBN /90. Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Zhi-Pei Liang, P.C. Lauterbur IEEE Press, New York, NY 2000, ISBN

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