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Advisory Activity January 10, 2016

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1 Advisory Activity January 10, 2016
Sources of Strength Advisory Activity January 10, 2016

2 What are your Sources of Strength?
HOW STRONG ARE YOU? Each one of us is stronger than we believe! Periodically this year, CCHS is going to ask faculty, staff and students to use the strength wheel and to identify individual strengths, to identify ways we can be a strength for others, and ways to be stronger as a community. Not each “slice of pie” on the strength wheel will be a source of strength for everyone. Almost no one is strong in all eight areas… but it only takes one! So lets start with the Wheel.

3 Family Support makes me STRONGER when I spend time with:
Siblings Cousins Half-siblings Step-siblings Grandparents Aunt/Uncles Parents Step-parents Which member of your family understands you best? Believes in you the most? Wants the best in everything for you? Are there people in your family circle who believe in you? Are there people in your family who provide the necessities to live, food, housing, clothing, plus extras? Consider ALL of your Sources of Strength.

4 Positive Friends make me STRONGER by being supportive and:
Loyal, Honest Trustworthy Allows you to be you Set future goals Substance Free Cares about your potential Teammates Friends are friends by choice usually because of shared interests, experiences, age, likes, dislikes, etc. The best friends are those who have a positive outlook, who think about their and maybe even your future and how to make it better. Positive Friends are friends who want to become stronger, smarter, richer, self sufficient, etc. Just as there are positive friends, there are also negative friends. All of us know them, all of us probably have a couple them. Think about it, do you know that one person who believes no matter what happens, things will never improve. How quickly does your friends attitude change your attitude? Can you name a friend who has a positive outlook. Are you a friend who has a positive outlook?

5 Mentors make me STRONGER when I seek their wisdom and knowledge.
Team Leader Class Leader Advisor Teacher/Coach Administrator Counselor Church/Faith leaders School Staff Boss/Supervisor What adults or older classmates encourage you or believe that you can accomplish whatever you wish to pursue? [ Provide time to discuss and share … you may have an example from your own experience ] Mentors are often older and therefore have more experiences, both good and bad. The outcome of those experiences makes them have a broader perspective and can help you see the bigger picture about an important decision or choice. Who do you see as a mentor? Who can you mentor?

6 Healthy Activities make me STRONGER when I participate in:
Clubs & Teams Extra-Curricular, Service, Civic, or Church Activities Athletics/Exercise Performing Arts Community or Volunteer Service Child, elderly or animal care Being involved in positive, healthy activities helps our outlook to be brighter. Physical activity actually creates chemical changes in our brain that gives us a better outlook. Social activities help us to focus on others and not make things all about ourselves. What are some other activities that you can think of that promote being positive and discourage unhappiness or boredom? (i.e. music, art, exercise, movies, sports, TV, social media, hanging with friends, etc. FYI “Chillin Watching Netflix” – is NOT a Healthy Activity – Don’t let them get away with this one. Slang reference.)

7 Practicing Generosity toward others makes me STRONGER when I:
Help Others: hold the door, carry groceries SMILE Say “Thank You” /or “Hello!” Donate time, possessions or money How are you generous? Do you ever look at how people live? In our community? In other countries? Some are better off than us but many have nothing compared to us. [If students have traveled or participated in mission trip or community service activities, encourage sharing here] Think of many communities in the news who have endured natural disasters and lost everything. We all have room to be generous…whether that is simply holding a door, donating time or money? Everyone has and can give away A SMILE? Everyday is an opportunity to give back and when we think about others we are not thinking so much about ourselves.

8 My Spirituality is STRONGER when I practice my personal beliefs through:
Faith/Church Activities Meditation The Rock FCA Music/Art Journaling Reading/Poetry Scripture Memorization We can all allow ourselves to pause and examine ourselves, our surroundings, and our purpose from a faith perspective. Typically these types of activities can be observed in a person practicing their faith. Can you think of others? Discussion could be led to share “how often” spirituality occurs: daily, weekly, or to a history/government point of view… America is a pluralistic society; our government accepts many beliefs and becomes one. To quote Mr. Spock, “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”. Thankfully America’s foundation of freedom of religion says all beliefs are equally protected insuring the one is as protected as the many. What if you were the only person to hold a particular faith belief, would you want the freedom to practice your belief among the many who believe differently than you do? By examining, E Pluribus Unum, you come to realize our diversity makes us stronger. Do I personally have to accept the tenants of multiple faith beliefs to be stronger? No, but ensuring others the right to believe differently than I do, guards my freedom to hold my personal beliefs.

9 Medical Access makes me STRONGER when I use:
Family physician School nurse Physical Therapist Mental Health professional Dentists/ Orthodontist Fitness or nutrition coach Athletic Trainer When we have physical discomfort or illness, we want professional care. Where would we be if we had no access to medical care or support? Not only can these professionals help us reduce our discomfort, they can often help us avoid it to begin with by helping us develop healthier habits and provide strategies to guide us away from poor choices.

10 My Mental Health is STRONGER when I am:
Physically Active Well Rested Have a Goal Help Others/Smile Meditate Ask for Help when I need Help Spend time with Friends or Family We all struggle at times with being Mentally Healthy. Every one needs to individually be aware of what triggers negative emotions, self-destructive behaviors, or times of isolation. We also all need to be aware of the friends, family, activities, etc. that help keep us mentally healthy during times of sadness, loss, disappointment, failure, etc. What are ways you keep yourself mentally healthy? (go to beach, kayak, hike, listen to music, play music, be creative, help others, set a goal, etc.)

11 I am STRONGER when … Family Support Positive Friends Mentors
Healthy Activities Generosity Spirituality Medical Access Mental Health ALL the “pieces of the pie” in our Strength wheel make up a foundation for us to be Mentally, Physically ,Emotionally and Socially healthy. These are called “Protective Factors”. The cool thing about protective factors is; for a person to be successful, they only need one. It will be harder with just one, but one is all that is necessary. As we see which area is stronger in our lives, we can share that with others to help them. If we see a weaker area, we maybe in a position to strengthen that aspect of our life in order to make ourselves stronger. However, as a student, you are not always able to strengthen certain aspects like Medical Access, Family Support, or even Mentors.

12 Think about YOUR own Sources of Strength
Family Support Positive Friends Mentors Healthy Activities Generosity Spirituality Medical Access Remember it only takes one protective factor to be successful. How many protective factors can you name as you think about the wheel? Who are the people or activities that are part of each categories for you? They are your Sources of Strength! As this week continues, write a thank you note, , or text message to this person/group/activity to let them know how much they impact you!

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