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Interactive Registry Plan

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1 Interactive Registry Plan
2016/17 Click or tap to enter

2 Assure Influence Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity Support
Our Purpose - “Ensure the Partnership is true to its Principles and compassionate to individual Partners” (Rule 82) Tap or click any area to explore the plan Overview Timeline Assure Influence Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity Insight Support Inkythinking Go back Partner Opinion

3 Assurance Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity Overview
Our Purpose - “Ensure the Partnership is true to its Principles and compassionate to individual Partners” (Rule 82) Overview Assurance Timeline We will ensure leaders create the conditions necessary for the Partnership model to thrive Assurance Reporting Appeals Cultural Evaluation Consultation Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity Partnership Councillors Attendance at Leadership Meetings Programme Boards Inkythinking Go back Partner Opinion

4 Democratic Engagement
Our Purpose - “Ensure the Partnership is true to its Principles and compassionate to individual Partners” (Rule 82) Overview Democratic Engagement Timeline We will support business success by enabling Partners to express their opinion so that it can be heard by business leaders. We will facilitate informed opinion through the sharing of knowledge. Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity PartnerVoice Forums & Councils Partnership Council Chronicles Partner Survey Inkythinking Go back Partner Opinion

5 Partner Support Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity Overview
Our Purpose - “Ensure the Partnership is true to its Principles and compassionate to individual Partners” (Rule 82) Overview Partner Support Timeline We will support all Partners to be at their best in and out of work, we offer a consistent nationwide service that provides confidential, emotional and practical support in times of need. Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity Financial Assistance Retirement Support Line Mediation Admin Inkythinking Go back Partner Opinion

6 Assure Influence Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity Support
Rule 82 Our Purpose “Ensure the Partnership is true to its Principles and compassionate to individual Partners, watching closely the effect of the application of the Partnership’s rules and other instructions and whether they are properly applied.” (The Constitution of the John Lewis Partnership, Rule 82) Registry Partners are independent of management, responsible to the Chairman and drawing their authority from the Constitution. Assure Influence Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity Insight Support Go back Partner Opinion

7 Assure Influence Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity Support
Our Purpose - “Ensure the Partnership is true to its Principles and compassionate to individual Partners” (Rule 82) Overview Timeline Assure Influence Effectiveness Democratic to Partners Humanity Insight Support Inkythinking Go back Partner Opinion

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