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Working with Analogies

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1 Working with Analogies

2 Analogies test your ability to:
Recognize the relationship between the words in a word pair Recognize when two word pairs display equal relationships

3 To complete an analogy you must be able to:
Select the answer containing words related to one another in most nearly the same way

4 Analogies look like this:
Up: Down ::Over: Under Analogies sound like this: Up is to Down as Over is to Under

5 Analogy types: Synonyms/antonyms Part to Whole or Whole to Part
Function/Use, Worker/Tool, Doer/Action Category/Type

6 Analogy types: Degree (size or intensity)
Grammatical Relationship or Spelling Cause to effect (or effect to cause) Object to function

7 Synonyms: Infant: Baby::Grown-Up: ______?
Infant: Baby::Grown-Up: Adult Grown-Up -ADULT Full - EMPTY Branch - TREE Carrot -VEGTABLE Heat - BOIL Cool -FRIGID Oven - BAKE

8 Antonyms: Big: Small::Full:_______? Big: Small::Full: Empty
Grown-Up -ADULT Full - EMPTY Branch - TREE Carrot -VEGTABLE Heat - BOIL Cool -FRIGID Oven - BAKE Big: Small::Full: Empty

9 Part to Whole: Wheel: Car::Branch:_______? Wheel: Car::Branch: Tree
Grown-Up -ADULT Full - EMPTY Branch - TREE Carrot -VEGTABLE Heat - BOIL Cool -FRIGID Oven - BAKE

10 Function/Use (Object/ Function):
Truck: Transport::Oven:______? Truck: Transport::Oven: bake Grown-Up -ADULT Full - EMPTY Branch - TREE Carrot -VEGTABLE Heat - BOIL Cool -FRIGID Oven - BAKE

11 Category/Type: Apple: Fruit::Carrot:_______?
Grown-Up -ADULT Full - EMPTY Branch - TREE Carrot -VEGTABLE Heat - BOIL Cool -FRIGID Oven - BAKE Apple: Fruit::Carrot: Vegetable

12 Degree (size/intensity):
Warm: Hot::Cool:______? Warm: Hot::Cool: Frigid Grown-Up -ADULT Full - EMPTY Branch - TREE Carrot -VEGTABLE Heat - BOIL Cool -FRIGID Oven - BAKE

13 Cause-Effect: Sliver: Pain::Heat:__________ Sliver: Pain::Heat: Boil
Grown-Up -ADULT Full - EMPTY Branch - TREE Carrot -VEGTABLE Heat - BOIL Cool -FRIGID Oven - BAKE

14 Sequence: Early: late :: dawn : _________
Early : late :: dawn : twilight

15 Can you identify the relationship?
PLATOON:SOLDIER HOT:SCALDING STARVATION:BINGING GILLS:BREATHING PERSUASIVE:CONVINCING SOCCER:SPORT Synonyms or antonyms Part to whole Category/Type Cause-effect (or effect to cause) Degree (size or intensity) Function/Use (Object/function) Let’s practice recognizing relationships. Part to whole - the second word (solider) is part of the first word (platoon) Varying degree - the first word (hot) is the extreme of the second word (scalding) Antonym Object to function - gills are used to breathe Synonym -someone who is persuasive is also convincing Member to category- soccer is a type of sport

16 Can you identify the relationship?
b PLATOON:SOLDIER HOT:SCALDING STARVATION:BINGING GILLS:BREATHING PERSUASIVE:CONVINCING SOCCER:SPORT Synonyms or antonyms Part to whole Category/Type Cause-effect (or effect to cause) Degree (size or intensity) Function/Use (Object/function) e a f a Let’s practice recognizing relationships. Part to whole - the second word (solider) is part of the first word (platoon) Varying degree - the first word (hot) is the extreme of the second word (scalding) Antonym Object to function - gills are used to breathe Synonym -someone who is persuasive is also convincing Member to category- soccer is a type of sport c

17 Helpful Hints: Determine relationship between the words in the given pair antonyms? synonyms? sequence? degree? cause-effect? function? category?

18 Helpful Hints: 2. Choose the answer that has a similar relationship and can be expressed in a similar manner

19 Example APPLE : FRUIT :: Salad : Mix Orange: Banana Juice : Can
Slice : Core Butterfly: Insect Make a sentence that shows the relationship between apple and fruit. How about “An apple is a type of fruit.” Test that sentence by going through all five answers choices, replacing apple & fruit with the different pairs of words. Only one pair fits the sentence. Answer E: A butterfly s a type of insect.

20 Example Butterfly: Insect APPLE : FRUIT :: Salad : Mix Orange: Banana
Juice : Can Slice : Core Butterfly: Insect Make a sentence that shows the relationship between apple and fruit. How about “An apple is a type of fruit.” Test that sentence by going through all five answers choices, replacing apple & fruit with the different pairs of words. Only one pair fits the sentence. Answer E: A carrot is a type of vegetable.

21 Example PEN : WRITE :: Pencil : Sharpen Ink : Blue Letter : Compose
Knife : Cut Mistake : Erase Too specific sentence - I once had a pen that my dog chewed but it still wrote in different colors. - sentence is too long, too specific. Too general: A pen is a thing and to write is an action. Sentence is too vague. It describes each word individually and not the relationship of the words. Lots of very different pairs of words could fit from this sentence.

22 Example Knife : Cut PEN : WRITE :: Pencil : Sharpen Ink : Blue
Letter : Compose Knife : Cut Mistake : Erase Too specific sentence - I once had a pen that my dog chewed but it still wrote in different colors. - sentence is too long, too specific. Too general: A pen is a thing and to write is an action. Sentence is too vague. It describes each word individually and not the relationship of the words. Lots of very different pairs of words could fit from this sentence.

23 Helpful Hints Part II: Pay attention to Remember –
the order of the words in the pair the parts of speech Remember – single word can have different meanings read all possible answers before deciding on the best answer

24 Practice Large : Big:: A. Remember : Forget B. Triumph: Success C. Nostril : Smell D. Audio : Hear E. Glasses : See

25 Practice B. Triumph: Success Large : Big:: A. Remember : Forget
C. Nostril : Smell D. Audio : Hear E. Glasses : See

26 Practice Bat : Hitter A. Score: Win B. Walk : Run C. Mars : Venus D. Stick : Hockey Player E. Basketball: Hoop

27 Practice D. Stick : Hockey Player Bat : Hitter A. Score: Win
B. Walk : Run C. Mars : Venus D. Stick : Hockey Player E. Basketball: Hoop

28 Practice Come : Came:: A. Walk : Walking B. Ride : Rode C. Left : Arrived D. Did : Had Done E. See : Seen

29 B. Ride : Rode Practice Come : Came:: A. Walk : Walking
C. Left : Arrived D. Did : Had Done E. See : Seen

30 پایگاه پاورپوینت ایران بانک اطلاعات هوشمند پاورپوینت

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