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Voc. Dramatization of the poem Paraphrase Introduction (Theme/Main idea) Structure Contrast Conclusion
Vocabulary Hearth (N) A hearth is the floor of a fireplace, which sometimes extends into the room. --It was winter and there was a huge fire roaring in the hearth. Mete (Verb) (formal) to give somebody a punishment; to make somebody suffer bad treatment. -- Severe penalties were meted out by the court. Lee (N) the side or part of something that provides shelter against the wind. --We built the house in the lee of the hill.
Dole (Verb) to give out an amount of food, money, etc
Dole (Verb) to give out an amount of food, money, etc. to a number of people in a group. --The landlord doles his servants unequally. Hoard (Verb) to collect and keep large amounts of food, money, etc., especially secretly. --The king hoards a lot of money for the war. Thro’ = through Scud (Verb) (literary) (of clouds) to move quickly across the sky. --Puffy white clouds were scudding past.
Drift (N) the movement of the sea or air.
--The general direction of drift on the east coast is very unsteady. Dim (Adj) where you cannot see well because there is not much light. --It’s very dangerous to walk along a dim street at night. Climates (N) a general attitude or feeling; an atmosphere or a situation which exists in a particular place.
Margin (N) the empty space at the side of a written or printed page.
--We need to create a climate in which business can prosper. Council (N) (formal) (especially in the past) a formal meeting to discuss what action to take in a particular situation. --The King held a council at Nottingham from 14 to 19 October 1330. Margin (N) the empty space at the side of a written or printed page. --Notes scribbled in the margin
Fade (Verb) to disappear gradually.
--His voice faded to a whisper Yearn (Verb) (literary) to want sth very much, especially when it is very difficult to get. --There was a yearning look in his eyes. Scepter (N) a decorated rod carried by a king or queen at ceremonies as a symbol of their power. --Scepter is a symbol of power that many people want to get it.
Isle (N) used especially in poetry and names to mean ‘island’
--the Isle of Skye Discern (Verb) to know, recognize or understand sth, especially sth that is not obvious. --It is possible to discern a number of different techniques in her work.
Prudence (N) sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions
--Maybe you'll exercise a little more financial prudence next time. Subdue (Verb) to bring sb/sth under control, especially by using force --Troops were called in to subdue the rebels. Sphere (N) an area of activity, influence or interest; a particular section of society --He and I moved in totally different social spheres.
Wrought = work Toil (Verb) to work very hard and/or for a long time --Hundreds of men toiled for years at building the pyramid. Hath = have Smite (Verb) to have a great effect on sb, especially an unpleasant or serious one --Suddenly my conscience smote me.
Furrow (N) a long narrow cut in the ground, especially one made by a plough for planting seeds in.
--Dark ploughed earth, with white chalk in the furrows.
Paraphrase-First Stanza
The only advantage that an admirable king can have is standing beside a warm fireplace, and matched with an aged wife. I punished the savage people with unequal laws, but the treasures, sleep, and feed are not mine, for I cannot rest from travel, or I will have nothing for the rest of my life. I have greatly enjoyed and suffered all times with whom loved me alone when sailing quickly through the dim sea to Hyades Vext on shore. I became a name, for always roaming with a hungry heart. I have seen and known much and was delight for the battle with my peers about the cities of men, manners, climates, councils and governments, not least myself, and honored all of them., which were far on the plains of windy Troy.
Paraphrase—First Stanza
I am not little, but they should be honored and enjoy the victory with my people. At the wide open filed of Troy, I have become a part of all that I have encountered. Experiences are like beams that untravelled the world shining through an arch on me whenever I move. It is a dull thing to pause, to make no use of the useless and rather to make the best of the things good to use. It is great to breather life, but life is too little, especially mine. A bringer from the eternal silence had brought something vile. I would like to store the precious for myself, but the gray spirit was always yearning in desire to follow the true knowledge, which is the utmost of human knowledge, like a sinking star.
Second Stanza This is my own son Telemachus. The one I love. I left my scepter and the isle to him and he was discerning to fulfill this labor. He slowly and mildly conquered a rugged people under prudence. Through the soft process, he made them good and obeyed. He is nothing to blame. He centered the power and executed the duties on the people. He couldn’t be failed in paying highly worship to my household gods and be tender to the people when I was gone. He did his jobs well, but I did mine.
Third Stanza The vessel puffs its sail in the port. The broad seas are dark and glooming. The mariners with me are toiled. You and I are old and have yet got the honor and toil. Although death I coming, some works of noble note should be done before the end of life. I am the man who strives with god. The day wanes and the moon climbs, and there are so many deep voices around me and encourages me that it was not too late to seek a new world. Go away; I am ready to smite the surrounding furrows. I want to sail beyond the sunset and bath in all the western stars until I die. Maybe I will be wash down at the gulf or touch the happy isle. Probably I can meet great Achilles. Although we do not own the strength in the old days, we are one equal temper of heroic hearts. Perhaps we are weaker by the time and fate, but still will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
Introduction Main idea:
Ulysses wants to continue a challenging and adventured life instead of staying stable to death.
Homer’s and Dante’s Ulysses
In this poem, Tennyson reworks the figure of Ulysses by drawing on the ancient hero of Homer's Odyssey and the medieval hero of Dante's Inferno. Homer's Ulysses, learns from a prophecy that he will take a final sea voyage after killing the suitors of his wife Penelope. The details of this sea voyage are described by Dante in the Inferno: Ulysses finds himself restless in Ithaca and driven by "the longing I had to gain experience of the world." Dante's Ulysses is a tragic figure who dies while sailing too far in an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Tennyson combines these two accounts by having Ulysses make his speech shortly after returning to Ithaca and resuming his administrative responsibilities, and shortly before embarking on his final voyage.
Structure--Form This poem is written as a dramatic monologue: the entire poem is spoken by a single character, whose identity is revealed by his own words. The lines are in blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter, which serves to impart a fluid and natural quality to speech. Many of the lines are enjambed, which means that a thought does not end with the line-break; the sentences often end in the middle, rather than the end, of the lines. The use of enjambment is appropriate in a poem about pushing forward "beyond the utmost bound of human thought." Finally, the poem is divided into four paragraph-like sections, each of which comprises a distinct thematic unit of the poem.
Structure--Dramatic Monologue
Tennyson takes on the persona of an unhappy king that is not satisfied until he is once again traveling. He makes allusions to Achilles assuming the reader already knows who he is. Tennyson wrote “Ulysses” in blank verse to keep Ulysses speech more natural. A dramatic monologue is used because Ulysses is the only speaker throughout the entire poem.
Structure--Detail analysis
Speaker—Odysseys Listener—Mariner (already died) Audience—Readers (now) Analysis on the poem First stanza—soliloquy (a speech in a play, in which a character alone on the stage speaks his or her thoughts aloud p.1772) sentense1~5: mono syllabus, giving heavy feeling. 6~21:recalling the journey he had with his mariners. His glory, also inferred his greatness.
22~32: His travels have exposed him to many different types of people and ways of living. They have also exposed him to the "delight of battle" while fighting the Trojan War with his men. His glory brings him empty and hollowness, so he wants to go on for his glory. Second stanza Ulysses now speaks to an unidentified audience concerning his son Telemachus, who will act as his successor while the great hero resumes his travels: he says, "This is my son, mine own Telemachus, to whom I leave the scepter and the isle." He speaks highly but also patronizingly of his son's capabilities as a ruler, praising his prudence, dedication, and devotion to the gods. Telemachus will do his work of governing the island while Ulysses will do his work of traveling the seas: "He works his work, I mine."
Third Stanza Third stanzaIn the final stanza, Ulysses addresses the mariners with whom he has worked, traveled, and weathered life's storms over many years. He declares that although he and they are old, they still have the potential to do something noble and honorable before "the long day wanes." He encourages them to make use of their old age because "'tis not too late to seek a newer world." He declares that his goal is to sail onward "beyond the sunset" until his death. Perhaps, he suggests, they may even reach the "Happy Isles," or the paradise of perpetual summer described in Greek mythology where great heroes like the warrior Achilles were believed to have been taken after their deaths. Although Ulysses and his mariners are not as strong as they were in youth, they are "strong in will" and are sustained by their resolve to push onward relentlessly: "To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
Figurative language 1. Metaphor: “I will drink / Life to the lees”
(6-7) His is saying that he is going to get everything out of life that he can. 2. Metaphor- '"'From that eternal silence, something more,'"' (27). The eternal silence mentioned here is meaning death. 3. Metaphor- '"'There lies the port,'"' (44). The port is a metaphor for his life. They are sailing into the sunset of life.
Imagery used 1. Visual imagery: “And this gray spirit yearning in desire”(30). He is using the word '"'grey'"' to describe his old, aged spirit. 2. Visual imagery: “There gloom the dark, broad seas”(45). Ulysses is describing the sea. He is telling how broad it is and the dark gloominess of it. 3. Visual imagery: “To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths / Of all the western stars”(60-61). In these two lines, the reader can picture the black silhouette of a boat sailing into the sunset. Then late at night, the stars curtain the western sky.
Victorian character the sustaining idea was the idea of progress--growth of industry and trade; social progress in concern for the poor; progress toward democratic government; scientific progress; discoveries of Charles Darwin about the facts of creation and evolution; moral progress in terms of the ideals of purity and of family life and domesticity. This ceaseless activity is captured in a few lines from his poem "Ulysses": One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield (68-70)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson Alfred Tennyson was born August 6th, 1809 and died on October 6, 1892, at the age of 83. Tennyson worries about money all his life. He also had a lifelong fear of mental illness. In 1827 Tennyson escaped the troubled atmosphere of his home to Cambridge, and became famous there. He joined the Apostles In 1829, and met his best friend Arthur Hallam's there. The success of his 1842 Poems made Tennyson a popular poet, and in 1845 he received a Civil List pension. The success of "The Princess" and In Memoriam and his appointment in 1850 as Poet Laureate finally established him as the most popular poet of the Victorian era.
Conclusion ln dramatic monologues, the character of the speaker emerges almost unintentionally from his own words. Ulysses' incompetence as a ruler is evidenced by his preference for potential quests rather than his present responsibilities. He devotes a full 26 lines to his own egotistical proclamation of his zeal for the wandering life, and another 26 lines to the exhortation of his mariners to roam the seas with him. However, he offers only 11 lines of lukewarm praise to his son concerning the governance of the kingdom in his absence, and a mere two words about his "aged wife" Penelope. Thus, the speaker's own words betray his abdication of responsibility and his specificity of purpose.
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