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Economic Policies of the 1980s

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1 Economic Policies of the 1980s
Reaganomics Economic Policies of the 1980s

2 Issues at the Time Inflation Unemployment Stagflation Oil Crisis
Iranian Revolution Ronald Reagan (1980)

3 AD/AS Stagflation



6 Reaganomics Four Pillars Reduce Government Spending
Reduce Tax Rates on Capital & Labor Reduce Government Regulation Control the Money Supply to End Inflation Reduce government Spending Reduce Marginal Tax Rates Control $ supply to reduce inflation Reduce govt. Regulation of Economy

7 Why & What Campaign Promises Reduce Income Taxes: Deficit Spending:
Lower Taxes Smaller Government Reduce Income Taxes: Top Down Cuts Benefited the Wealthiest Most Deficit Spending: 8 straight years of deficit spending

8 The Economy Grows Income Taxes dropped from 70% to 28% in 7 years ( ) Unemployment reached 10.7% in 1982, but lowered as the economy improved Inflation decreased during the 1980s Jobs were created as the economy continued to grow

9 Trickle Down Economics
Massive tax cuts for the top tax bracket Drastic increase in defense spending (“Window of Vulnerability” & Star Wars) In order to function, someone needed to spend (either the wealthy or the government) Vice President George Bush called it “voodoo economics”

10 Effects Wealthiest Americans became wealthier
8 years of Deficit Spending Reduced Tax Revenue Budget Deficit Trade Deficit (enter China) National Debt tripled during Reagan’s 8 years (from 1 to 3 trillion dollars) No reduction in size of government (afraid to cut Social Security & Medicare)

11 Reagan’s Achievements
Improved Economy Lowered Unemployment Lowered Inflation Interest Rates Decreased Average Household Income rose by $4000 per year

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