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Unit One Vocabulary Week Eight.

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1 Unit One Vocabulary Week Eight

2 Absolve (verb) pardon/forgive .

3 antipathy (noun) strong dislike/hatred

4 antipodes (noun) direct opposites . Hot and cold are antipodes.

5 indigent (adjective) poor/penniless
The indigent man slept on the street.

6 infringe (Verb) encroach/trespass

7 Nettle (verb) irritate/bother Tim loves to nettle his younger brother.

8 ostensible (adjective)
apparent but not necessarily true Tim’s ostensible reason for losing weight was to improve his health; however, I have since learned that a girl named Melissa was his real motivation.

9 Retroactive (adjective)
applying to a period prior to enactment According to the terms of the new contract, our raise will be retroactive to the first of the year.

10 specious (adjective) Something that seems true, but is deliberately misleading/false .

11 subjugate (verb) enslave tame Never allow anyone to subjugate you.

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