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Module production in Italy

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1 Module production in Italy
R.Dell’Orso on behalf of TIB Tracker General Meeting – February 13, 2004 February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

2 Summary Procurement of components Assembly and bonding
Module test status Test procedures Fast Test (ARC system) Long Term Test (Vienna Box) Modules rejected Analysis of data Conclusions February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

3 Production flux and responsabilities
frames sensors hybrids pitch adapter hybrid carrier 6000 TOB 2000 TIB 6000 TOB 2000 TIB CERN Sensor Quality Test Centers Pisa Perugia TIB Assembly Centers (GANTRY) Bari/Ct Perugia TIB Bonding Centers Firenze Torino Pisa Padova Catania Bari Module Test Centers Firenze Torino Pisa Padova Catania Bari Pisa Integration Center TIB/TID February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

4 Procurement: sensors Delivered: 4100 End of delivery: may 2004
Full test by HPK CMS test on sample February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

5 Procurement: frames and hybrids
SS frames cut 1600/2100 SS kapton 100% produced SS frames assembled 1200/2100 396 hybrids (4 chips) received by CERN February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

6 Gantry centers (Bari, Perugia)
Modules assembled: 386 Production rate: 16 modules/day <1% rejected for tilded angle (>10mdeg) February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

7 Gantry centers Dx = 2 ± 6 mm Dy = 1 ± 7 mm February 2004
CMS Tracker Week

8 Bonding – Data Base Interface
February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

9 Module Bonding Form February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

10 Pull Test Results Summary
Only Modules bonded after 01Dec2003 make this plot Hughes bonder Mean SD Module prod spec: mean > 5g BA CT PI TO # Modules pull tested February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

11 Module Test Status 6 centers involved in production modules testing: Bari, Catania, Firenze, Padova, Pisa, Torino All the centers are bonding and ARC testing All centers have started LT tests Bari was intended as backup center: (Multiplexer is arriving) 241 modules bonded and ARC tested 80 modules LongTerm tested The overall quality of modules is good February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

12 Module Test Status Received Bonded ARC Tested Good modules LT Tested Bari 41 33 21 19 Catania 25 13 6 Firenze 35 26 Padova 48 42 40 12 Pisa 117 94 91 30 Torino 36 Total 302 253 241 234 80 February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

13 Starting test procedure
shipping ARC hybrid Assembly ARC hybrid Bonding strips IV 450V Bondig HV ARC hybrid Fast Test ARC Passive Cooling ARC Test Long Term February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

14 Simplified test procedure
shipping ARC hybrid Assembly ARC hybrid Bonding IV 450V Bondig HV ARC hybrid Fast Test ARC Passive Cooling ARC Test Long Term February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

15 Simplified procedures
The original procedure was very redundant to trace back the origin of possible faults Fast Test after assembly removed (after 200 modules) New testing procedures are in place in pilot bonding centers: testing is now much faster 1 mode-only test upon arrival HV bias and strip bonding in one go, IV only at the end 112 modules passed the passive cooling (-20°C) We have chosen to stop the passive cooling cycle if no new problems arise February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

16 ARC Test Results On a total of 241 modules tested, we found 7 bad modules: 2 have been tagged for bad strips (>2%) 4 have a bad IV curve 1 has bonding problems on the pitch adapter February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

17 Bad strips >2% (#33119) A short of 9 channels: scratch on the silicon crystal shorting the strips February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

18 Very High Current (#33006) No evidence of big scratches or damages
February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

19 Very High Current (#33070) Very good noise figure Vbias= 400V
February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

20 Unbondable strips on pitch adapter (#33015)
Hybrid PitchAdapter sensor Zone Difficult to bond APV Not bondable Strips Spot February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

21 IV Curves There are also modules that after bonding have a high current with respect to the other TIB modules, but below the 10 μA cut All these modules result good in all other tests They are considered GOOD February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

22 IV Curves Scratches on sensor 1 noisy strip not flagged by sensor test
February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

23 Long Term test in Vienna box
All centers equipped to test 6 modules at a time Interlock System We can safely keep the system working during night and weekends February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

24 LT Test Settings We are using a common scenario inside TIB
Full set of measurements We are using a common scenario inside TIB 9 cooling cycles between 20°C & -20°C, over 72 hours February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

25 CM Noise stability Peak InvOff Peak InvOn Dec InvOff Dec InvOn
February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

26 LT Results 80 modules tested with LT Version 1.22
The LT shows still some stability problems running a 72 hours scenario We loose some modules after some cooling cycles (up to now 10 modules) mainMonitor stops to acquire data from those modules, usually due to a high number of I2C errors Usually those modules are recovered We are investigating in collaboration with Wim on the causes of these problems More diagnostic needed Are we testing the modules or the Test Setup ? February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

27 LT Results 1 module definitely broken during thermal cycles
We tested again this module with ARC at room temperature and there are problems with the I2C communication Nothing strange is visible in an optical inspection February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

28 Monitoring of Temperatures
All the centers reach almost the same temperatures on hybrid and silicon The silicon temperature goes down to -15°C The hybrid temperature reaches -10°C Hard Reset February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

29 Monitoring of Leakage Current
Mod February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

30 Monitoring of LV Currents
With the new settings, we really switch the APVs off This can be observed looking at the current of 1.25V line Analog off Warm Cold I 1.25 V Time (s) Measurements taken with PAACB February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

31 Analysis A task force is working to optimize the cuts
33059 peak invoff A good module Chip edges A task force is working to optimize the cuts February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

32 Analysis: comparison between ARC and LT
33035: a module with some problems… 463 noisy both ARC and LT (high current, fails Istrip) 475 open both ARC and LT (pinhole, fails Idiel) 503 noisy both ARC and LT ARC 463 503 475 LT (-20°C) 463 503 475 February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

33 Strip shorts 33005 Peak invoff 33143 Good at sensor test Module 33005
303, 304 short (fails Cac) 403 open (pinhole, fails Idiel) ARC LT (-20°C) 33005 Peak invoff 303,304 303,304 February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

34 Data Base: XML file There are still differences between LT and ARC version (chflag) Some fields are not filled (Environment variables, CMN) or are wrongly filled (average noise) Up to now it’s impossible to produce an output usable for the database: We keep all root files (and backup also!) Every center has a Summary Web Page February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

35 Results Web Pages February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

36 Conclusions 253 TIB modules produced from december
7 modules rejected 80 modules tested with Long Term test 1 module rejected 10 modules excluded by acquisition during the 3days scenario: more diagnostic needed Production rate: Assembly Bonding and ARC test: startup rate is satisfactory, it has to increase (16/day), provided enough hybrids are available Long Term test: max rate 60/week (3days scenario) 72/week including Bari It is foreseen to increase from 6 to 10 modules/box February 2004 CMS Tracker Week

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