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Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems. Busy people… How would your business be affected, if you suddenly lost all of your computer data? Rush through.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems. Busy people… How would your business be affected, if you suddenly lost all of your computer data? Rush through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems

2 Busy people… How would your business be affected, if you suddenly lost all of your computer data? Rush through backups without verifying them Put off backups until a more convenient time Leave backups disks or tapes next to the computer

3 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems Mid-City Systems Remote Backup Service is an important part of a responsible data protection plan

4 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems Hard drive crash? Lost precious data through Have any of the following happened to you? User error? Corrupted backups? Lost or damaged computer? Forgot to do your backup? Delete important files?

5 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems Human Error 22% Disk Failure 22% Data Loss Software Malfunction 22% Other Hardware 19% Theft 6% Virus 6% Natural Disaster 3%

6 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems His budget motherboard came with poor advice, and the result was, his hard drive crashed and all data was loss: accounting data, real estate closing information, and agent commission calculations for his three offices. Case Number 1 A realtor attempted a do-it –yourself computer upgrade. Luckily he was a remote backup client. After he installed the new hard drive and controller card, the remote backup provider was able to restore all the data from the remote backup in about 2 hours.

7 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems Instead they were carefully backing up their computer system onto tape cartridges that came with the system. When the system crashed and they needed the data, they found that the tapes were all blank even though each day the software displayed the message BACKUP COMPLETE Case Number 2 The city government of a small town did not use a Remote Backup System They had never tried to restore the data before. They had never thought to verify the tapes. All the data had to re- entered from paper, which took several weeks.

8 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems Mid-City Remote Backup can help protect your business by using a Telephone, DSL or Cable modem to send copies of your critical data to our offsite facility every night. Protect Your Business Theres nothing you have to do. Our system is automatic, affordable and secure. Your most valuable business asset will be safe, even when your computers are not.

9 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems Mid-City Remote Backup insures that your files are reliably and automatically backed up every day and securely stored off site. How does it work? Our special software on your system will perform this service on a schedule automatically. Your automatic backups will be scheduled for times when your computer is not in use. Theres nothing you have to do... You dont even have to be there.

10 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems Compress the data you selected for backup into a securely encrypted format that only you can read. Your computer does the following Data can usually be compressed to between ½ to ¼ of its original size. It then uses your internet connection to contact the Mid-City Remote Backup Server.

11 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems After properly identifying one another your computer transmits its data to Mid-City Remote Backup Server. The Transmission When finished, Mid-City Remote Backup Server verifies the data and informs your computer that the files are secure, and your ends the connection. Your data is safely backed up, HIPPA compliant and off site!

12 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems Your computer might be destroyed, but your REAL valuable asset – the data, vital to your business – is safe and secure. When Disaster Strikes Mid-City Remote Backup Software is re-installed on your new computer and your data restored, leaving you back in business. Instead of OUT OF BUSINESS.

13 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems It depends on the number of files you want to backup, and their size. How long does it take each night to do an incremental backup? The files will be compressed to ½ to ¼ of their original size. Most backups take from 15 to 45 minutes.

14 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems Unfortunately most small businesses dont do proper backups, even though they may have a tape drive. I already have a tape drive and do my own backups. Why would I need Your Backup service? Even less take their backup tapes offsite. Many people who use remote backup service like the added security of knowing the critical files are secure.

15 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems No! Your files are securely encrypted before they leave your company. Can you see my company records? ONLY YOU have the password! Mid-City Remote Backup Server cannot access your files, and neither can anyone else!

16 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems YES! Our system works with all popular and also unpopular windows networks. Can you backup my network?

17 Copyright 2006 Mid-City Offices Systems Call US TODAY FOR YOUR RISK FREE EVALUATION AND BACKUP. Dont invite Disaster Into Your Business 1-800 MID-CITY

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