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? ? + + Rate the words as you come in. Do you know how to say the word? What it means? How to put it in a sentence? ? ? + + ? + + ? + + + + + +

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Presentation on theme: "? ? + + Rate the words as you come in. Do you know how to say the word? What it means? How to put it in a sentence? ? ? + + ? + + ? + + + + + +"— Presentation transcript:

1 ? ? + + Rate the words as you come in. Do you know how to say the word? What it means? How to put it in a sentence? ? ? + + ? + + ? + + + + + +

2 Letters Home from Yosemite

3 Vocabulary Development 2-Minutes! What do these prefixes mean?
Between-as in intermediate Across-as in transportation Same, even, equal-as in equivalent Hanging, weighing in balance-as in suspenders Around-as in circulate Related to citizen-as in civics Together-as in committee Revolving-as in cyclone Not-as in disagree Inter= Trans= Equi= Pend= Circ= Civi= Com/con= Cycl= Dis=

4 Let’s Match!! Equidistant A. hanging onto support
pendulum B. same condition or treatment Equality C. same distance dependent D. hanging from a clock Interval E. to send across Transmit F. With action between Tranfusion G. A time between Interactive H. Blood across (from one person to another

5 Reading Goal This week you will identify main ideas in the text using supporting details.

6 Team Cooperation Goal Complete tasks

7 Title: Letters Home from Yosemite
Reading Goal: Main Idea and supporting details Team Cooperation Goal: Completing Tasks Genre: Expository Author: Lisa Halvorsen

8 scenery Outdoor views The scenery at the top of the Mountain was amazing with all of the outdoor views.

9 wilderness Land where no people live Sometimes bears Come out of the Wilderness and take food from our trash cans.

10 preserve Keep safe I found an Indian Arrowhead in the ground and Dad told me to preserve it.

11 graze Blend “Horses and cows graze, not people,” the baby’s Mother Said when he tried to eat grass.

12 swooping Rushing down At the beach seagulls were swooping down To steal our French fries.

13 precious Costly Jeremy accidently Broke his grandmother’s precious antique clock.

14 Go Around Check student to see who knows the words. Go around sticks.

15 Review Vocabulary with Partner
Can you say it? Can you define it? Can you say it in a sentence?

16 Vocabulary Vault

17 21 Plants Bite Back Richard Platt

18 I wonder what type of plants eat flies?
Plants cover planet Earth Every country on Earth has interesting plants Some plants have stinging spikes Some plants are carnivores Venus fly trap is one form of carnivorous plant The Bladderwort is another carnivorous plant The bladderwort is a microscopic carnivore The pitcher plant digests it’s prey through its liquid intestine Plant Power Greedy Green Guzzlers Plants Bite Back! Deadly Weeds There are many types of plants that are poisonous Poison ivy is one! Stinger trees can kill you Aconitine is a very lethal plan Prayer beans are also very lethal. They can kill an adult! I wonder what type of plants eat flies?

19 Letters Home from Yosemite

20 Where is Yosemite National Park
In the Sierra Nevada Mountains Mountains cover 15.5 million acres Yosemite Valley is 7 miles long and 1 mile wide Black bears often raid camps for food Mule deer graze by roadside Bobcats, coyote, jackrabbits, marmots, sheep, rattlesnakes Topography Wildlife Letters from Yosemit Where is Yosemite National Park

21 Vocabulary- Say It! glacier impressive naturalist preserve slopes
species wilderness

22 More Words to Know altitudes formations reservoir earthquake eruptions

23 glacier a great mass of ice moving very slowly down a mountain or along a valley

24 a person who studies living things
naturalist a person who studies living things

25 able to have a strong effect on the mind or feelings
impressive able to have a strong effect on the mind or feelings

26 to keep from harm or change; protect
preserve to keep from harm or change; protect

27 species a set of related living things that share certain characteristic and that can be interbred

28 and that goes up and down at an angle
slopes and that goes up and down at an angle

29 a wild region with few or no people living in it
wilderness a wild region with few or no people living in it

30 earthquake a shaking or shifting motion of Earth’s surface. It is caused by the sudden breaking of masses of rock along a fault.

31 acts or processes of bursting or throwing forth
eruptions acts or processes of bursting or throwing forth

32 volcano opening in Earth’s crust through which steam, ashes, and lava are forced out in periods of activity

33 heights about Earth’s surface
altitudes heights about Earth’s surface

34 a place where water is collected and stored for use
reservoir a place where water is collected and stored for use

35 What would be a good question at this point?
Is there really a spirit in Bridalveil Falls?

36 Team Talk Questions Why do campers at Yosemite put all their food in metal boxes? Which of the following is the main idea of the letter called “Yosemite Wildlife?” What does the author mean when she writes that the sunlight was “painting” rocks? From your reading, what can you conclude about granite?

37 Partner Read- 15 minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you Read and restate pages Discuss with team words you clarified Find vocabulary words

38 Tree Map Decide as a group what the main idea was for each section
Provide at least 3 details to support your main idea

39 Team Discussion-15minutes
Discuss answers to team talk questions Team Talk procedures will be up! Write answers to question 2 and 4

40 #1 Reads the Question #2 Answers the Question
#3 Agrees or disagrees with evidence from the text #4 Summarizes what the groups discussed

41 Class Discussion What words did your group clarify?

42 Writing Adventures- 15 min
What is the tallest thing you have ever seen? Was it a building, or a tree, or a tower? Describe the thing and imagine what you could see from the top.

43 Scoring Guide You answer the question 25 points Your answer explains or describes with at least two details 25 points Your answer makes sense and has Part of the question in it 20 points Your answer is written in complete, correct sentences 20 points Your writing has correct capitalization and punctuation 10 points

44 Vocabulary Practice-10 min
Uncle Fred loves to preserve old coins by wrapping them in plastic. He sits behind his cabin near the wilderness and spreads his coins out on a picnic table. This way Uncle Fred can enjoy his coins while looking at the beautiful scenery. Down the hill from his cabin, sheep and cows graze near a pond, and Uncle Fred likes to look at them while polishing and wrapping his collection. One day some crows, who like shiny objects, started swooping down from the trees and grabbing Uncle Fred’s coins. “My precious coins!” he cried out sadly, watching the birds fly away. preserve Keep safe Keep apart Keep quiet Keep up wilderness Land where people live Land where people visit Land where no people live Land where no people go Scenery Outdoor views Outside shows Views out back Seen outdoors Graze Pick grass Cut grass Plant trees Eat grass Swooping Rushing down Running down Rushing over Running up Precious Cozy Cottony Colony costly

45 Fluency – 5 min Page 118 Page 119 Page 121 or 123

46 Fluency Rubric 100 points Expressiveness Smoothness
Rate and correctness 90 points Smoothness 80 points Rate and correctness 70 points Correctness

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