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Organisms & Adaptations

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1 Organisms & Adaptations
Changing Over Time To Survive! Picture is of a Flilipino Tarsier…smallest nocturnal primate. One of the smallest primates in the world. Has the biggest eyes out of any mammal in proportion to their body. Can turn their head almost 180 degrees around my body. Uses those big eyes to see at night. Being nocturnal the giant eyes help make this animal one of the best hunters out there. They also help them see where we’re going, because tarsiers like to jump from branch to branch instead of walking or crawling. Has soft brown fur which helps this animal hide during the day, because they sleep close to the ground.

2 What do you think this is…plant or animal?
In what environment does this organism live? Named after the dragons of Chinese mythology, Leafy Seadragons look like a piece of drifting seaweed as they float in the seaweed-filled water. The 1. Leafy seadragon, with green, orange and gold hues along its body, is covered with leaf-like appendages, making it remarkably camouflaged. This animal only reveals its presence by the fluttering of tiny fins or the moving of an independently swiveling eye.

3 Why do you think the Stonefish changed over time to look the way it does? 
Adaptations appear over time because certain shapes and colors create camouflage which protect an organism from its predators.  Looking like a stone can help the Stonefish avoid being another animal's lunch!

4 Is this a plant or animal? What environment did you think this is?
Living rocks are small succulent plants that live in the desert.  You may never notice them because they grow flat with the ground and look exactly like a rock.  Why?  Probably to avoid insects and rodents seeing them and eating them for their water

5 Plant Or Animal? A Venus Fly Trap is a plants that eat meat…they are carnivorous. Notice that their mouth structure has trigger hairs on every edge. When an insect enters the trap and touches the trigger hairs, the trap closes to trap the prey. This adaptation allows this plant to trap its food.

6 What do you think this is?
The Angora is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbit, originating in Ankara, Turkey, a very cold place. What structure or body part helps this rabbit to adapt to its cold environment? (hair) What is the function of all that hair? (keeps the rabbit warm) People use angora rabbit hair to make sweaters for themselves. This hair then keeps people warm too.                      

7 What environment do you think
What environment do you think? The Red Panda, is a mostly herbivorous mammal, slightly larger than a domestic cat (55 cm long). The Red Panda has semi-retractile claws and, like the Giant Panda, has a "false thumb" which is really an extension of the wrist bone. Thick fur on the soles of the feet offers protection from cold and hides scent glands. The Red Panda is native to the Himalayas in Nepal and southern China. The word panda is derived from Nepalese word "ponya" which means bamboo and plants eating animals in Nepal.

8 Hard to tell the environment isn’t it. What is that pink thing
Hard to tell the environment isn’t it? What is that pink thing? Listen to this animals name to learn what it is. The Star-nosed Mole a small North American mole found in eastern Canada and the north-eastern United States.. It is a good swimmer and can forage along the bottoms of streams and ponds. Like other moles, this animal digs shallow surface tunnels for foraging; often, these tunnels exit underwater. The Star-nosed Mole is covered in thick blackish brown water-repellent fur and has large scaled feet and a long thick tail. The mole's most distinctive feature is a circle of 22 mobile, pink, fleshy tentacles at the end of the snout. How do you think he uses this nose structure? These are used to identify food by touch, such as worms, insects and crustaceans

9 This plant has adapted its leaves to form a funnel structure with slippery inside leaf. Insects crawl down the tube or funnel shaped leaf.  The cannot crawl out because the sides of the leaf are too slippery or they have downward pointing hairs that keep them from crawling back up.

10 Wow. What did you write about this one?
The Aye-aye native to Madagascar that combines rodent-like teeth with a long, thin middle finger to fill the same ecological niche as a woodpecker. It is the world's largest nocturnal primate, and is characterized by its unique method of finding food; it taps on trees to find grubs, then gnaws holes in the wood and inserts its elongated middle finger to pull the grubs out.

11 You probably guessed this is a plant…
You probably guessed this is a plant….but what clues do you have to its structure and function? Why the gas mask? The corpse lily is one of the largest flowers in the world. Has a structure and function that produces a strong horrible smell. It stinks like a rotting animal, hence the name corpse lily. Why has this plant adapted in this way? It lures insects and other animals that feed on rotting animals…Yuck!

12 Looks like a simple plant, but think about this…
Looks like a simple plant, but think about this….this plant moves if you touch it. The Touch-Me-Not plant will fold up its leaflets and droop its leaves when it is touched and at night.  Why?  It may close them at night to conserve water.  It may close them when touched so they are not as visible to be eaten by grazing animals

13 What’s this? Did you guess that these 2 plants are the same?
The resurrection fern lives in very dry climates.  When there is not enough rain, it dries up into a shriveled up ball.  It can remain this way for years.  When it finally rains, the dry leaves absorb the water and unroll.  Once it is hydrated, the plant turns green and grows.  As long as you keep it watered, it will grow into a nice little plant.  If you stop watering it, it will dry and form a ball structure. Nice adaptation to survive long periods of dry weather, huh! So it never really "rises from the dead."  It is always alive, even when it is dried out (kind of like dry seeds). What’s this?

14 What did you guess about this organism
What did you guess about this organism? Discuss several thoughts from students The Yeti crab is a crustacean discovered in 2005 in the South Pacific Ocean. This crab, which is approximately 15 cm (6 inches) long, is notable for the quantity of silky blond fur-like covering its claws. It was found in the South Pacific, at a depth of 2,200 m (7,200 feet), living on hydrothermal vents (undersea volcanic vents) along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. The animal has strongly reduced eyes that lack pigment, and is thought to be blind. The structure of 'hairy' pincers contain filamentous bacteria, which the creature may use to detoxify poisonous minerals from the water emitted by the hydrothermal vents where it lives. Remind students that volcanoes are usually destructive, but in this animal has adapted to living next to these vents that spew poisonous minerals. It may feed on the bacteria, although it is thought to be a general carnivore. Its diet also consists of green algae and small shrimp.

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