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IXercise System Group 8b.

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Presentation on theme: "IXercise System Group 8b."— Presentation transcript:

1 iXercise System Group 8b

2 Brief Description of Project
Create a web application to keep track of patients’ progress with their treatment Customer - Yunho Huh Tools: Javascript HTML CSS Bootstrap MongoDB Java

3 Usability Problems Four types of users Doctors
Can view all of the patients information Can add/remove patients Can edit patient medication/treatment Can give themselves administrator privileges Can send to anyone in the system

4 Usability Problems Trainers Administrators Patients
manage/edit all of the patient information Can add new patients to the system Can send to anyone in the system Administrators Can add new users to the system (doctors and trainers) Can remove users from the system Patients Can monitor fitness progress Can message doctors and trainers

5 Usability Problems Web app functionality
Allows for doctors to export the data on the website

6 B. Methods to Solve HCI Problems
Usability testing and surveys Plan to test four types of users per user test: 1 doctor 1 trainer 1 administrator 1 Patient PROBLEM: Customer says users are busy Difficult to get an appointment Will not be able to get appointment with doctors “maybe” can manage one trainer to do user testing

7 Methods to Solve HCI Problems
Customer says if we want to present/ask anything - give to him to present on our behalf If we have a user testing meeting User test prototype Have users do some tasks based on their role Survey questions

8 C. Time Plan and Tasks Two main phases Task Distribution
User testing and redesign Task Distribution Ashish Patel - Javascript Jocelyn Cruz - Designer/Javascript Huyanh Hoang - Database Krishna Madhusudan - Security Cullen Casey - Database Tiffany Lee - Designer/Javascript

9 Tasks Contact If manage to get an actual user testing session
All contact with the users will be through the customer him prototype, tasks, surveys, etc. If manage to get an actual user testing session Time: 15 minutes minimum per session Can take longer if user wants specific alterations or has questions User testing roles: Ashish - greeter/briefer Cullen - test administrator Jocelyn - note taker Krishna - conduct surveys after user test

10 Time Plan Week 4: User test prototype Week 5: redesign prototype
Week 7: redesign / database implementation Week 8: Database implementation/ bug fixes Week 9: bug fixes/ pre-final presentation Week 10: Final presentation

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