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OCR Art and Design: Fine Art

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Presentation on theme: "OCR Art and Design: Fine Art"— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR Art and Design: Fine Art
Unit 2: Set task Preparation time= 10 weeks of lessons Inc half term holidays(13 weeks) Exam=10 hours Over 2 days

2 Exam = 40% of your final mark for your GCSE
OCR GCSE Art - EXAM 10 hour exam 5th MAY 8.50 – 3.15 6th May 8.50 – 3.15 Exam = 40% of your final mark for your GCSE Starting Points Changed Interesting Characters Art Deco Aquatic Creatures Use Pinterest to access the Visual boards for the above. @DeyesHighArt AO1 (Develop) 20 marks Find relevant artists to look at Produce research pages showing your understanding Use this work to inspire your own work Make personal comments and about their work AO2 (Refine) 20 marks Explore different media and materials Use different techniques and processes Evaluate how successful your experiments have been AO3 (Record) 20 marks Collect and present relevant imagery Produce high quality drawings/sketches/ paintings etc Take your own photographs Annotate your work thoroughly AO4 (Present) 20 marks Produce confident and high quality final piece/s Ensure your work links to your prep work and artists you have researched

3 Read the paper carefully.
You need to choose one question and produce a personal response (Sketchbook with research) You have 10 weeks to research, investigate and develop your ideas. Your work in this period could be in sketchbooks, journals, design sheets, studies or any other appropriate form of presentation. You should produce a draft design of your final outcome ready for the exam.

4 You will have ten hours over a 2 day period to produce a personal response. This will be your outcome(s) The work submitted for this examination must be your own unaided work (We can’t help you in the exam!!!) You must hand in your personal response ( final outcome) and the preparatory work (sketchbook) at the end of the examination. * No excuses, your work will be marked without it if not handed in.

5 Your work will be marked according to how well you have shown evidence of...
AO1 – Developing ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding. AO2 – Refining ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes. AO3 – Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to your intentions in visual and/or other forms AO4 – Presenting a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements

6 Aquatic

7 Changed

8 Interesting Characters

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