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Plant Reproduction Chapter 14 Page 92.

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1 Plant Reproduction Chapter 14 Page 92


3 Key Words/Ideas in Plant Reproduction
Pollination Fertilisation (Gamete/Zygote) Seed & Fruit Formation Seed Dispersal Germination Asexual v Sexual Reproduction

4 Asexual Reproduction:
Only one parent e.g.. runners & cuttings.

5 Pretty Flowers For Dreamy Girls
Sexual Reproduction: Involves two parents. 5 Steps in Sexual Reproduction Pollination Fertilisation Seed & Fruit Formation Dispersal (Seed) Germination Pretty Flowers For Dreamy Girls

6 Pollination Insect Wind

7 Parts of a Flower

8 Male Part of Flower Female Part of Flower

9 Part of plant Function

10 Pollination: Insect Pollination
Pollination happens when pollen reaches the carpel. Insect Pollination



13 Pollination: Wind Pollination
Pollination happens when pollen reaches the carpel. Wind Pollination

14 Fertilisation

15 Fertilisation: Fertilisation happens when the male gamete (pollen) and the female gamete (ovule) fuse to form a zygote.

16 When the pollen grain lands on the carpel it develops a pollen tube which grows down from the stigma, through the style and into the ovary where fertilisation takes place

17 Seed & Fruit Formation

18 The zygote grows to become seed and fruit.

19 The seed of a broad bean is surrounded by a tough outer covering called the testa. Inside this the seed consists of stores of food. The part of the seed growing up from this is called the plumule. This grows during germination to form the future shoot. The part growing down from the seed is called the radicle. This grows to form the future root



22 Seed Dispersal Wind Water Animal Self

23 Wind Dispersal of Seed

24 Animal Dispersal of Seed

25 Self Dispersal of Seed

26 Water Dispersal of Seed

27 Germination

28 Germination means that the seed starts to grow into a new plant

29 Germination The conditions necessary for germination to occur are: H O W eat xygen ater

30 Overview & Revision Questions


32 1 2 3 4 5 10 6 7 8 9 11 13 12

33 What are the 5 stages of sexual reproduction in plants.

34 What important role do bees play in the reproduction of plants?

35 Name the parts of the flower A, B and C
Name the parts of the flower A, B and C? Say what the function of each is? A B C

36 Name 2 ways that seeds are dispersed?

37 Name the 4 main Parts of the Seed?

38 What conditions are necessary for germination of seeds to occur.

39 To investigate the conditions necessary for germination
Procedure: Place cress seeds in cotton wool in each test-tube. Add moist cotton wool to one Add water which has cooled after boiling to another and cover it with oil (this means there will be no oxygen). Add dry cotton one to another (no water). Keep another in the fridge (no heat).

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