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Nuclear Fusion and Fission

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1 Nuclear Fusion and Fission
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

2 Do Now Complete the Homework by next Tuesday Do Now
Complete Tuesday’s Do Now silently I have 2 sections of make up work from the test Sound/light (part 4) Transverse/longitudinal (part 1)

3 Objectives SWBAT describe the similarities and differences between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission by using a Venn Diagram Essential Question What are the similarities and differences of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission?

4 Review What are isotopes?
What are the 3 subatomic particles and their charges?

5 What is plasma? A state of matter that is not a liquid, solid, or gas
Electrically conductive Exists in lightning, fire, neon signs, and in stars

6 Nuclear Fusion vs. Fission
Complete the Venn Diagram Volume level needs to be at 0 for the first 10 minutes If you are working quietly I will ask you to write a specific answer on the whiteboard After 10 minutes you can start comparing answers.

7 Answer the Essential Question
What are the similarities and differences of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission?

8 Exit Ticket Label the following statements as Fission, Fusion, or Both
Combining of atoms to form heavier elements Splitting of atoms to form lighter elements Potentially very dangerous Produces tremendous amounts of energy Used today in nuclear power plants Will most likely be used in the future

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