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Activity Utilities Kurt Smith Trevor Brotz Mark Brooks

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1 Activity 3.3.1 Utilities Kurt Smith Trevor Brotz Mark Brooks
Austin Nar Garrett Hanzek

2 Telecommunications Telecommunications:the transmission of information, as words, sounds, or images, usually over great distances, in the form of electromagnetic signals, as by telegraph, telephone, radio, or television. -

3 The History of Telecommunications
1200 B.C.- Homer mentions signal fires in his work, Illiad. 700 B.C.-300 A.D.- Carrier Pigeons were used during the Olympic Games. 1843- FAX invented by Scottish Physicist Alexander Bain. 1876- Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone. 1945- Arthur C. Clarke proposes communications satellites. 1992- The World Wide Web is created.

4 Typical Sizing Requirements for Telecommunications
A TR serving less than 5000 sq ft. must be at least 10' x 8' in size A TR serving area larger than 5000sq ft. and less than or equal to 8000 sq ft must be 10' x 9' in size A TR serving an are a larger than 8000 sq ft. and less than or equal to 10,000 must be 10'x 11' in size A minimum of four 4 inch vertical riser conduits or sleeves are required between TR s.

5 Method of Measuring Usage of Telecommunications
Erlangs- help telecommunication network designers understand traffic patterns within their voice networks. Are used to work out how many lines are required between a telephone system and a central office.

6 Providers and their Distribution Methods
Providers: Time Warner Cable, Vonage, Windstream, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Direct T.V. Distrbution Methods: Satelites, telephone lines, cable lines, cell phone towers.

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