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What it means to the BCSRDF and why
B.C.’s New Societies Act What it means to the BCSRDF and why
Is it necessary to be a Society?
It is and this is why : A Society is a legal person. It exists independent of its members. It can carry out transactions as any person may. It insulates members from its actions. It can own property, have bank accounts, obtain insurance, enter into contracts, etc.
why the bcsrdf must Re-register under the new act
BCSRDF has existed as a Society since August, Most recent update was registered in July 2005. It will automatically cease to exist on 28th November, 2018 if not continued under the new Act. It cannot wind up as dissolution clause in present Bylaws is ineffective – the clause does not provide how assets would be dealt with and this cannot be altered to comply with the new Act. It has assets – bank accounts primarily – which would be forfeited. No viable choices except to re-register
Vision Facilitation Presentation
11/28/2018 11/28/2018 Direction Quote from one of the leading philosophers of our time. Not only that – You will not know when you get there “If you don’t know where you are going, chances are you will end up someplace else.” - Yogi Berra 4 07-Club Planning Present V 4 4
Vision Facilitation Presentation
11/28/2018 Which way? Poorly defined directions = absolute confusion 07-Club Planning Present V
Where are we now? And what needs to be done
A new Constitution and Bylaws have been drafted. Both have been reviewed by an attorney to ensure they comply with the new Act. Draft motions have been prepared in consultation with the attorney for consideration by members – i.e. every dancer in the Province. They have to be approved at General Meetings called for that purpose. A 2/3rds majority of members present and eligible to vote is required. After approval, these documents must be electronically filed, which is a complex task, and approved by the Registrar of Societies.
How do the new documents differ from the Existing?
The Constitution may only have two clauses unless the Society is Member- Funded. These are a) the name and b) the purposes. If Member Funded there must be a third clause stating so. It is proposed we shall be Member Funded. That status can be changed if outside funding above the statutory maximums is received. If this should happen, there are alternatives which could avoid losing the status.
How the Bylaws must change
Everything which is in the existing Constitution and is not one of the permitted clauses must be deleted or moved to the new Bylaws. The new Act imposes more direct responsibilities on Directors. Eligibility to become a Director is made more stringent. 16 and 17 year olds may become directors (if special requirements are met) Changes need 2/3rds approval as opposed to the present 75% of votes In the event of wind-up, unless our Society is Member-funded, there are major limitations on who may receive the assets . CAUTION – this is not a complete listing of required changes
Major Proposed Changes from present bylaws
Membership will be divided into two classes – voting and non-voting. The voting members will be clubs and the Regional Associations. All others will be non-voting. Voting Members may appoint a proxy. There shall be not less than 9 elected Directors, which would include the President, Two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The other Directors will be “at large”. The Immediate Past President remains a Director ex-officio. Directors, shall be elected for a two year term, and may not serve more than two years in the same capacity, except for the Secretary and Treasurer who may serve without a time limitation.
The Directors may appoint committees for particular tasks.
Neither Directors or Members may be paid for anything they do for the Society unless they provided a service beyond their role. Notices of meetings and matters to be considered may be sent by mail or electronically and shall be posted on the Society's website. Members may waive their right to receive notices – once given the waiver remains in effect until cancelled. On dissolution, all funds shall be distributed pro-rata to Members who are currently insured under the Third Party Liability Policy of the CSRDS. Rules and Policies will not be included in the Bylaws. These will include many items from the current Bylaws. Some may require member approval – e.g. Fee Changes.
Vision Facilitation Presentation
11/28/2018 We are all in this boat together - And all have a role to play Think of the rowers in this picture. A crew working together – team work. Club vision is a living management tool, it defines a shared commitment among those present here tonight for you to share and take back to the rest of your club. It provides a Long Term direction, that we hope will go out five years to It provide and carries a framework to establish goals and objectives and optimize the resources that are not just here in the room but internationally as well. 07-Club Planning Present V
Questions? Thank you for listening. I know this subject is difficult to follow – but it is vital to the BCSRDF so must be presented and queries dealt with before the AGM.
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