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Comprehensive Protection of Civilians Scenario Based Exercise

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1 Comprehensive Protection of Civilians Scenario Based Exercise


3 11/28/2018 SBE TTX Objectives a) Reinforce the knowledge acquired during the delivery of the CPOC conceptual, legal and operational modules; b) Use the knowledge gained to solve a scenario based on real-life events encountered in UN peacekeeping missions; c) Incorporate CPOC considerations into unit/individual’s existing decision-making planning methods.

4 Content Situation Mission Academic Requirements Supporting Documents

5 11/28/2018 Situation

6 Country Background Fictitious country with borders with three other countries (N,W,S,) and has a coast on the E. After years of violent conflict between GOC and rebel forces (MPC), a ceasefire was agreed on 15th M 20xx and a peace agreement (Kalari Treaty) was signed on 19th M+1 20xx UNSC Res (M+3 20xx) authorised the establishment of the UNAC under Chapter VII

7 Population Background

8 Country Background

9 Carana

10 Criminal Activity / Illegal Mining
Armed Groups Criminal Activity / Illegal Mining CA GOC Forces

11 UNAC Military Deployment

12 UNAC Military Deployment
Sector 1 Sector 2 SBE Sector 3

13 Sector 2 INFBATT INFBATT Brigade (-)

14 Sector 2 INFBATT SBE AOR INFBATT Brigade (-)


16 AOR

17 INFBATT Organization CLAs x4

18 11/28/2018 Mission

19 Sector HQ WARNO 01/20xx

20 Sector HQ WARNO 01/20xx

21 Sector HQ WARNO 01/20xx

22 Sector HQ WARNO 01/20xx Cont.
Battalion Commanders to conduct a Mission Analysis for your AOR and brief this SHQ on DDMMYY at 0930H on the Risk Analysis of the threat identified in your AOR, a summary of possible COAs in all phases of response and additional resources you may need to execute your operations.

23 Academic Requirements
11/28/2018 Academic Requirements

24 Working Groups Table 1: ALPHA BATTALION Table 2: BRAVO BATTALION

25 Working Groups Battalions A B C D Battalion Commander
Maurita Turgeon Trya Hafley Billy Kerley Kandice Sumrell New Zealand Thailand China Vietnam 2IC/Chief of Staff Niki Bizier Bernarda Haan Salvador Schindler Soila Maddix Republic of Korea Philippines Mexico USA U2 - Intelligence Michelina Putnam Lasonya Brandy Evia Rehkop Owen Wacaster Bhutan Austria Guatemala Timor-Leste U3 - Operations Jonathan Teka Katharina Blanco Jeremy Singh Audria Talfida Belgium UK France Nigeria

26 EXCON High & Low Control Role Player SHQ Response Cell
Sector Commander, COS, Civilian Component, Community Liaison Assistants (CLAs)

27 PIR Format From / To Requested information

28 Requirements By Battalion Group: Threat Analysis Risk Analysis Summary of intended COAs

29 Threat Analysis Matrix
11/28/2018 Threat Analysis Matrix What Who Whom Where When Why How Mission Analysis includes: Identification of Key Actors Civilian Population (location, # of children, # of women, ethnicity/religion/political, schools, hospitals, markets, etc.) Potential Perpetrators (location, #, composition, C2, ethnicity/religion/political, hostile intent and historical background, capabilities, use of child soldiers) Host State Security Forces (location, #, composition, C2, ethnicity/religion/political, capability and will to protect civilians, human rights record, use of child soldiers) Other Protection Actors (location, mandate, capabilities, capacity and will to support peacekeeping ops, dependence on peacekeeping support, coordination mechanisms) Threat Analysis Overview Key Elements. Relationship matrices between… Communities Civilians and AGs AGs Matrix

30 Risk Analysis Matrix High Medium Low impact likelihood 11/28/2018
Mission Analysis (cont’d)… Impact: Minor  Catastrophic Likelihood: Almost Impossible  Almost Certain Risk Analysis Vulnerability Assessment (civilian population against identified threats) Protection Actor Capability Assessment Danger Level Assessment Risk Analysis Matrix likelihood

31 Summary of intended COAs
11/28/2018 Summary of intended COAs Threats Prevention Preemption Response Consolidation

32 Exercise Requirements
DDMMYY 0930 (5 mins x 4 groups) Summary of Situation & PIRs DDMMYY 1330 (10 mins x 4 groups) Summary of Threat Analysis DDMMYY 0930 (15 mins x 4 groups) Briefing on Mission Analysis (Threat Analysis, Risk Analysis, COAs)

33 11/28/2018 Supporting Documents

34 UNAC Operational Documents Background
UNSC Resolution 1544 UNAC Mission CONOPS Military CONOPS FC OPORD Sector 2 WARNO

35 Exercise Documents

36 Questions

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