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Welcome to Physical Science!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Physical Science!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Physical Science!
Ms. Van Wart Room 219

2 Supplies Needed Colored Pencils Box of Pencils Box of Pens Glue Sticks
White-out Calculator

3 Grading Policy Homework - 10% Quizzes - 20% Labs - 20% Tests - 50%

4 Homework Homework is due the day after it is assigned.
If not turned in on time, you may turn it in the following day for half credit. After that time, it becomes a zero.

5 Lab Reports All labs must be turned in within one week of the due date. If not received in this time, the grade will become a zero.

6 Make Up Work The only acceptable time to come pick up work that is missed is before/after school or during A- Block. It is your responsibility to get the work you missed. After one week from absence, any work not handed in will become a ZERO!!

7 Extra Help Mornings: Offered before a Test only.
Afternoons: Tuesdays at 2:30pm. You can schedule after school extra help as needed.

8 Lab Safety Introduction to Safety

9 Goggles Why do we wear goggles? When should we wear goggles?
To protect your eyes from damage When working with chemicals or things that can break

10 Inform your teacher and do not touch it!
Glassware If a beaker breaks.... If the beaker has a chip in it... Inform your teacher and do not touch it! Do not use this! It could break . Inform your teacher and get a replacement

11 Spills What do you do if a chemical spills on your skin?
Rinse under water for a few minutes and have your partner inform your teacher

12 Safety Symbols Open Flame Alert Clothing Protection Safety Eye Safety
Poison Safety

13 Ready for a fun year? I am very excited for our year together. I am hoping that you will start to love science as much as I do.

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