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Matter & Change Chapter 1.

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1 Matter & Change Chapter 1

2 Chemistry The study of composition, structure, and properties of matter, the processes that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany these processes. Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass A chemical is any substance that has a definite composition. Branches of Chemistry *Research in Chemistry Organic Chemistry Basic Inorganic Chemistry Applied Physical Chemistry Technological Analytical Chemistry Biochemistry Theoretical Chemistry Chemistry deals with questions like: What is a material’s makeup? How does a material change when it’s heated, cooled, or mixed with something else? Instrumentation is also a large part of chemistry. Instruments make it possible to see tiny structures, measure mass accurately, and allow chemists to stay safe everyday. Organic Chem – carbon-containing compounds Inorganic Chem – non-carbon containing compounds Physical Chem – properties and changes of matter and energy Analytical Chem – identifying components and compositions Biochemistry – substances and processes of living things Theoretical Chem – using math and computers for design and prediction Basic Research – to satisfy curiosity and increase knowledge Applied Research – for the purpose of solving a problem Technological Research – to develop and produce products that improve our quality of life. Application of knowledge.

3 Matter Anything that takes up space and has mass.
All matter – living, non-living, natural, and artificial – has a chemical basis. Atom – The smallest unit of an element that maintains the chemical identity of the element. Element – A pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler forms and is made of one type of atom. Compound – a pure substance that can be broken down into simpler stable substances – made of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded together. Matter does not have to be visible; may be made of particles that we cannot see.

4 Properties of Matter A physical property of matter is a quality of condition that can be observed or measured without changing what the item is made of. A chemical property of matter is a substance’s ability to undergo changes that transform it into different substances. States of Matter Solid – definite volume, definite shape Liquid – definite volume, no definite shape Gas – no definite volume, no definite shape Plasma – no definite volume, no definite shape Physical Properties: color, boiling point, odor, solubility, mass, density, state of matter, volume, amount of energy, ability to conduct electricity, transfer of heat – ALL DESCRIPTIONS Chemical Properties: rusting, fermenting, burning, sprouting, decaying, growing, decomposing, corroding, combusting, oxidizing, tranishing Solid: Cannot compress, tightly packed, strong attractive forces, rigid, fixed positions, vibrate Liquid: Takes the shape of container, flows rapidly, always touching close together but not tight, strong attractive forces, particles can slide past each other, cannot compress Gas: takes the shape and volume of container, flows very rapidly, spaced very far apart, low/no attractive forces, easily compressed Vapor: usually a solid or liquid at room temperature and acts similar to a gas, except a vapor tends to condense more quickly than a gas into the liquid state under smaller changes of temperature and/or pressure. Water Vapor no water gas Plasma: high-temperature physical state of matter in which atoms lose most of their electrons. Can be found in fluorescent light bulbs.

5 Physical & Chemical Change
A change in a substance that does not involve a change in the identity of the substance. Cutting, grinding, bending, dissolving, boiling, melting, freezing, breaking, crushing A change in which one or more substances are converted into different substances, also known as a chemical reaction. Reactants  Products Reactants are the substances that react in a chemical change Products are the substances that are formed by the chemical change Indicators of chemical change: color change, odor change, production of gas, production of solid, temperature change Reactants  Products Start of the reaction (produces – connects reactants to products) End of the reaction Chemical Change: Leaves changing in the fall, rotting food, burning, bubbles being produced, cloudy, precipitate forming

6 Conservation of Mass & Energy
When a chemical or physical change happens, both mass and energy are conserved. What does that mean??? The amount of matter before a reaction equals the amount of matter after a reaction. Mass is neither created nor destroyed, just rearranged! Energy is neither created nor destroyed in a reactions, just changed! Light energy  Heat Energy

7 Physical & Chemical Practice

8 Classification of Matter


10 Pure Substances A pure substance has a fixed and uniform composition.
It is homogeneous – the same throughout the sample. Pure copper (element) – all samples have the same properties Lemonade (a mixture of many chemical compounds) – not all samples are the same…not a pure substance!!

11 Mixtures A mixture is a physical blend of two or more substances which retain their own identity. A mixture can be separated by physically: Magnets, filter, distillation, evaporation, vaporization, chromatography Two types of mixtures: Heterogeneous mixture – mixture of 2 or more Homogeneous mixture – all the same

12 Heterogeneous Mixture
In a heterogeneous mixture each component keeps its original properties. Each sample of the mixture will be different – not uniform Examples Salad Cupcakes Soil Granite

13 Homogeneous Mixture In a homogeneous mixture each component is completely the same – or uniformed – throughout the composition. Each sample of the mixture is exactly the same. It is also called a solution Solutions can be gas, liquid, or solid Examples: Salt Water Ketchup Air Steel (metal alloy)

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