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Think Break #1: Answer 1) What will be the new or added revenues?

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Presentation on theme: "Think Break #1: Answer 1) What will be the new or added revenues?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Think Break #1: Answer 1) What will be the new or added revenues?
1% x 180 bu/ac x $3/bu x 1,000 ac = $5,400 2) What costs will be reduced or eliminated? $25/ac x 1,000 ac = $25,000 3) What will be the new or added costs? $22/ac x 1,000 ac = $22,000 4) What revenues will be reduced or lost? None 5) What’s the net benefit? $5,400 + $25,000 – $22,000 = $8,400

2 Partial Budget: Think Break #1: Combine Purchase vs Custom Hire
Benefits Costs Additional Revenues 0.01 x 180 bu/ac x $3/bu x 1,000 ac = $5,400 Additional Costs $22/ac x 1,000 ac = $22,000 Costs Reduced $25/ac 1,000 ac = $25,000 Revenues Reduced None Total Benefits $25,400 Total Costs $22,000 Total Benefits – Total Costs = Net Gain $8,400

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