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Oceanography Expectations and Guidelines

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Presentation on theme: "Oceanography Expectations and Guidelines"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oceanography Expectations and Guidelines
Science is an imaginative adventure of the mind seeking truth in a world of mystery. Sir Cyril Herman Hinshelwood ( ) English chemist. Nobel prize 1956. Work on the study of chemical reactions Mrs. Brostrom

2 Overview Ocean Exploration Marine Biology: Earth's beginnings
Primary production Ecosystem diversity Marine Ecology Pollution Climate Change Interconnectedness Resources

3 Overview continued Marine Chemistry Polarity, Water, Life Seawater
Convection currents The ocean conveyer belt El Nino/Hurricanes Marine Physics Tides Tectonics, sea level, waves, and erosion

4 Classroom Supplies 3-ring binder 4 dividers Loose leaf paper
Pens, pencils, highlighters Journal/1 subject notebook

5 Grading Policy Tests/Projects/Quizzes  40%
Homework/Classwork/Do Now  25% Laboratory Activities 30% Participation/Cooperation/Habits of mind  5% • You should expect homework every class period. The purpose of homework is to introduce concepts, practice problems, and review vocabulary. * Seniors who maintain an overall average of 90% or higher and have not had a quarterly average below an 80% will be exempt from the final exam.

6 Academic Honesty Copying (or letting someone copy) work are considered cheating. All individuals involved will receive zeros for the assignment and a referral to the office. Plagiarism will also result in a zero for the assignment and a referral to the office.

7 Absences If you are absent it is your responsibility for making up assignments and handing in work that was due when you were out. See me during X-block and check the website for missed work. If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz you are required to see me the day you get back to school to schedule a time to make it up. Labs must be made up within one week of absence.

8 Classroom Policies Stay in your seat unless given permission.
Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Follow directions the first time they are given. Refrain from using foul/inappropriate language. You may only use phones/music players/Chromebooks with permission. If you choose to break a rule… First time- a warning with your name on the board Second time- check next to name and an x-block detention the following B-day Third time- second check next to name, an office referral, and 2 x-block detentions Fourth time- third check next to name, an office referral, and a 30min after school detention Severe disruption- immediate office referral and 30 min after school detention

9 If you choose to follow the rules…
Positive phone call/note home at end of week. Earn music listening privileges when working independently. Choose your seat. Choose your lab partner. They joy of learning each day!

10 Extra Help If are having trouble with any of the material, do not hesitate to ask for help. I will be available in person to help you before or after school on B days, x-block, and during my prep period (B4). You can also me with questions. You can find me in the science office when I am not in the classroom.

11 Library Use I will only give you a library pass during your study hall if I have assigned you work that cannot be completed in study hall (i.e. research, computer use for lab report).

12 Classroom Expectations and Guidelines must be read and signed by you and your parents.
This assignment is due on September 02, 2014 A day. This assignment is due on September 03, 2014 B day.

13 Mrs. Brostrom

14 Education and Experience
Bachelor's degree in Geology with a minor in Education Master's degree in Environmental Education Lab technician at SCSU LIS research Outer Island Partners in Science CCSU Teaching for 7 years


16 Places I've Been

17 This year I'd like to... Inspire Create Learn Teach Understand Engage

18 Tell me a little about yourself…
Take 15 minutes to write a letter introducing yourself to me. Why you took this class Likes/ dislikes Hobbies/ sports How you learn best Favorite subject

19 Welcome to Long Island Sound
Intertidal zone Please be carful touching me!

20 Long Island Sound Intertidal Zone Key
Identify 25 different organisms from LIS Label each organism Raise your hand when completed so a photo can be taken of your finished product When your table is finished, arrange organisms by how they are connected Be ready to justify your arrangement!

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