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Herbivores vs. Carnivores

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Presentation on theme: "Herbivores vs. Carnivores"— Presentation transcript:

1 Herbivores vs. Carnivores
Maria Parker Science: 1st Grade

2 Lets look at some different kinds of Herbivores!
A herbivore is an animal that only eats vegetation, such as grass and fruits. Herbivores only eat things that need photosynthesis to live. Lets look at some different kinds of Herbivores!

3 Cow

4 Sheep

5 Zebra

6 Giraffe

7 Lets look at some different kinds of Carnivores!
Carnivores are predators and eat meat. They hunt and eat other animals to survive. Mammals that are carnivores have sharp teeth. Lets look at some different kinds of Carnivores!

8 Bear

9 Lion

10 Shark

11 Tiger

12 References

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