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Joseph Connellan MC Two Pty Ltd

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1 Joseph Connellan MC Two Pty Ltd
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS): Service, Citizens & Economic Challenges & Opportunities for Local Government in Victoria Local Government Human Service Directors & Aged & Disability Services Managers Wednesday 11 November Joseph Connellan MC Two Pty Ltd

2 Introductions Joseph Connellan, Consultant, MC Two Pty Ltd has: Now
25+ years experience in housing & disability Worked in policy & program development within Govt Been Executive Officer in 6 NGOs Worked for MAV in a policy role ( a long time ago) Now Consults to NFP, Government & others around housing, disability & other areas Sits on Victorian Disability Advisory Council (VDAC) Works on strategic plans for housing agencies around NDIS Facilitated first NDIS housing forum in Barwon Passionate, realistic, pragmatic supporter of NDIS

3 NDIS Impact: Opportunities for Local Government
Biggest reform in 40 years Rollout at beginning Challenges and Opportunities for Local Government: Services to people with a disability including and beyond Local Govt Citizens as the social and economic participation of people with a disability increases Economic as extra $2.5bn in Victoria mainly on employment Service Economic Citizens

4 Background: 1m in Victoria with a disability & the NDIS

5 Local Government Strategic Framework for people with a disability (2011)
Ways Victorian councils can work to create a more inclusive community for people with a disability & their families & help meet legal obligations to remove barriers to discrimination: Why Facilitate civic participation & inclusive consultation Influence community attitudes & perceptions Improve employment opportunities Foster partnership & collaboration How A whole-of council approach Incorporate access & inclusion objectives in key documents Improve accessibility of council buildings & infrastructure Adopt inclusive communication & information approaches Strategic use of statutory & regulatory roles Exercise leadership in advocating to other organisations Promote accessible & inclusive council services, programs & events Utilise effective accountability practices Review & evaluate progress

6 NDIS – Big & Different: Economic & Social
NDIS is the biggest social reform in Australia in 40 years which will create significant service, economic and social challenges and opportunities. How big? 460,000 people nationally..2% or 1 in 50 people. $22bn+ pa by $900 allocated ..$500 spent per person NDIS will become bigger than aged care (residential & community) Equal to more than 50% of all Local Government expenditure

7 NDIS: Biggest Social Reform in 40 years
How Different? Key Elements Focus on Whole of life cost Move to Consumer choice Creation of a national market Double the amount of money Key Changes From mostly Government/NFP to mostly Private From Govt managed regional catchment to national market From Govt mandated service standards to consumer choice Migration of Govt staff & corporate knowledge New functions & costs of marketing, individualising & co-ordination Reforming & replacement of the current NFP organisation system More extreme than Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT)…?

8 NDIS Process We are only at the beginning of a mammoth task
6.5% of NDIS recipients have an approved plan Observations - NDS Barwon Trial Site Providers Forum - Oct 2015 Welcomed by providers but has been challenging Profitability at client level & cash flow are key issues NDIS has lead to growth & more funding NDIA & system has been in development Staff is emerging issue (demand & casualization) 2012 We are Here 2022 NDIS Days on 1/11/2015 853 days from Scheme Start (1/7/2013) 1,157 days to Full Geographic Coverage (1/1/2019) Full Coverage progressively after that

9 NDIS Progress (con’t) Bi-Lateral with Victoria signed
Rollout timelines announced Specialist Disability Housing Schedule J released First Local Area Coordination (LAC) Tender Announced Assist people with disability, their families and carers to build and pursue their goals for a good life, exercise choice and control and engage with the Scheme. Ensure that people with disability can be supported outside the Scheme by working with communities and mainstream services to build awareness and to become more inclusive of the range of needs and aspirations of people with disability.

10 Service Economic Citizens Services NDIS this will have a profound impact on the scale and viability of many services including Council’s own direct services There is likely to rebalance from not for profit and Government to private sector Larger providers are likely to emerge which may centralise outside of the catchment. Service models are likely to change radically with the focus on hole of life cost Possible Directions: Reconfigure Council provision of services to people with disability in context of NDIS Example Action: Test Council services configurations for viability in NDIS future Possible Directions: Seek to attract large providers Example Action: Provide briefings for large providers on virtues of locating in the catchment

11 Citizens It is in interests of the Council and citizens that they:
Service Economic Citizens Citizens It is in interests of the Council and citizens that they: Are aware of the NDIS Register if eligible Have the impact of their disability fully assessed Receive a package of services that is comprehensive, effective and linked to the right long term goals NDIA has leadership on this largely through LAC and providers promoting access Risk is that some areas and cohort will be underserviced Possible Direction: Promote an understanding of the NDIS to people with a disability & their families Example Action: Partner with the LAC provider in their communication activities Possible Direction: Facilitate information exchange amongst NDIS recipients and families Example Action: Target resourcing to the development and support of NDIS recipients and carers groups

12 Service Economic Citizens Economic NDIS represents a large and increased economic activities and employment opportunities (perhaps double or more) There will also be redistribution away from historical accumulations and under/overprovisions Possible Direction: Inform key council decision makers on potential economic impact Example Action: Brief Council Economic Development staff on likely NDIS spend and employments growth as well as potential impact on providers Possible Direction: Support Local Providers Adaption Example Action: Facilitate co-operative development work with local agencies to promote survival and growth (possibly in partnership with peaks such as NDS) Larger LGA Small LGA Population 150,000 15,000 NDIS recipients full scheme 2,875 288 NDIS Spend pa $97.8m $9.8m

13 Summary NDIS Roll out timeframe is now clear.
Impact will huge but is unknown Will reshape community services including Council NDIS Local Government Challenge and Opportunities Services, Economic and Citizens Need to consider broad as well as narrow First step is developing common understanding amongst all council stakeholders of: NDIS scale Potential impacts Timeframes Joseph Connellan, MC Two Pty Ltd or

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