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Ten-criteria analysis, quantities reported as values normalized to maxima (counter clockwise from right) B, dam breach safety score; C, dam removal cost;

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Presentation on theme: "Ten-criteria analysis, quantities reported as values normalized to maxima (counter clockwise from right) B, dam breach safety score; C, dam removal cost;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ten-criteria analysis, quantities reported as values normalized to maxima (counter clockwise from right) B, dam breach safety score; C, dam removal cost; D, drinking water; F, sea-run fish biomass; I, number of properties affected by dam removal; ... Ten-criteria analysis, quantities reported as values normalized to maxima (counter clockwise from right) B, dam breach safety score; C, dam removal cost; D, drinking water; F, sea-run fish biomass; I, number of properties affected by dam removal; N, nitrogen removal; P, hydropower; RR, river boating recreation; RL, lake boating recreation; S, water storage. Scenarios: (A) status quo, (B) eco-restoration, (C) equal preference scenario. (D) The regional scale equal preference scenario produces uneven changes in criteria for individual watersheds. Samuel G. Roy et al. PNAS 2018;115:47: ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences

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