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Presentation on theme: "BLOOD."— Presentation transcript:


2 4 PARTS OF BLOOD Red blood cells (44 %) White blood cells
(less than 1%) Platelets (less than 1%) Plasma (55%)

3 RED BLOOD CELLS ERYTHROCYTES Transport oxygen Hemoglobin: red
Lack a nucleus 4.2 –6.2 million RBC in humans B12, folic acid, iron: imp’t for RBC production Anemia: too few RBC: makes us feel weak & tired

4 White Blood Cells LEUKOCYTES
Protect against infection; eat/digest foreign cells (phagocytosis) 2 X larger than RBC ,000 WBC in humans High WBC: infection Low WBC: typhoid/flu/AIDS/mumps/leukemia

5 Platelets THROMBOCYTES Form blood clots ½ as big as RBC
130, ,000 cells per mm3 in humans

6 Blood Plasma “clear” part of blood 92% water
Primarily made of proteins: Albumen, Globulin, Fibrinogen Also contain amino acids, sugars, lipids, nucleotides And electrolytes: Na+, Ca+, K+, Cl+, Mg+, HCO3+, SO4+, PO4+

7 Notice all the components in the blood:
Common blood gases: O2 and CO2 VLDL: very low density lipoprotein: high conc. Of triglycerides LDL: low density lipoprotein/mostly cholesterol HDL: high density lipoprotein/mostly protein

8 Hemostasis Stoppage of bleeding 1. Blood vessel spasm
2. Platelet plug formation 3. Blood coagulation (formation of blood clot)

9 Define the following Terms
ABO BLOOD GROUP ANTIGEN ANTIBODY AGGLUTINATION Describe the following: Rh factor Signs & Symptoms of incompatible blood mixing (HINT: answer in a blue box) Difference between AGGLUTINATION & COAGULATION

10 Blood Types

11 VOCAB TO KNOW ANTIGEN: protein on surface of RBC
AGGLUTINATION: clumping of RBC (occurs during blood transfusions; reaction b/w antigen & antibody) ANTIBODY: react to foreign antigens ANTI-SERUM: A serum containing antibodies that are specific for one or more antigens. (ANTI-A: contain antibody A; ANTI-B: contain antibody B

12 ABO Blood System

13 Blood Donors & Transfusions

14 THE Rh FACTOR A protein (antigen) in blood
First discovered in Rhesus monkeys Has no advantage or disadvantage to have it or not… Only important during blood transfusion/organ transplant!

No concern with 1st pregnancy b/c antigens are too big to cross placenta HOWEVER…if mother is Rh- and 2nd child is Rh+…blood could mix & mother could have antibodies against Rh protein from 1st pregnancy

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